
My submission for the Informatic Technolgies for the Web exam

Primary LanguageJava


The project techs required are: JavaScript+HTML+CSS for front-end and Java Servlet+MySQL backend.
The website is a public image gallery organized in albums. When pressing on an album the first 5 picture miniatures appear, and when hovering on one of them a modal displays the corresponding picture in full-size with its properties. Also sign-up and sign-in have to be supported, and on each picture a user can publish a comment. Other specifications are:

  • On signup checks on validity of email and repeated passwords have to be done also on client side
  • After the login, the whole application must be on a single page
  • Each user interaction must be performed without refreshing the whole page but with asynchronous calls to the server
  • Each user has personalized album page ordering. By default it is by date of creation, and then a user can move each album and save the new order. When the user signs in again they should see their last saved order of albums
  • The "next 5 pictures" and "previous 5 pictures" must function without any server request
  • Hovering on miniatures must display a modal with original size picture, all the other informations, and comments with a submit comment box
  • The application checks also client side that the client doesn't send blank comments
  • Errors server-side must appear in the client though an alert box

For more information on database design, application design, and events check out exam-tiw-presentation.pdf

Screenshots of the application

Login and Signup

alt text

After login

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After opening the album "memes"

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After hovering on the first picture

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After selecting the "next" option and re-ordeing the albums

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