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NodeMCU on Geeny

In this tutorial you will learn, how to connect the NodeMCU to the Geeny platform.


  • NodeMCU
  • LED
  • Resistors (220 and 10k)
  • DHT22 sensor
  • Breadboard and jumper wires


  1. Install Arduino IDE from Arduino.cc
  2. Go to Files>Preference (Mac: Arduino>Preferences) in the Arduino IDE
  3. Copy the below link in the Additional boards Manager field: http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json
  4. Go to Tools>Boards>Board Manager
  5. Search for esp8266 (by esp8266 community) and install it
  6. Select from Tools>Board the NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP12E module)
  7. Install USB driver from Silabs
  8. Copy the content of the Arduino Sketchfolder in this repository into your Arduino Sketchfolder

Part 1.1 – Blink

  1. Open Files>Examples>Basics>Blink
  2. Go to Tools>Port and select (usually) the last entry
  3. Upload the code to the NodeMCU: Sketch>Upload or click the upload button in the menu

alt text

  1. The LED should blink now

Part 1.2

  1. Now change the circuit

Circuit: Fritzing diagram (Diagram made with Fritzing)

  1. Change the sketch or open the file 1_blink.ino in the Arduino IDE
  2. Upload the code to the NodeMCU

Part 2 – DHT22 Temperature and Humidity sensor

  1. Change the circuit to this one

Circuit: Fritzing diagram

(Diagram made with Fritzing) 2. Open the Arduino sketch 2_DHT22.ino 3. After uploading the sketch, open the Serial Monitor Circuit: How to open the Serial Monitor.

Part 3 – Connect to Wifi

  1. Open the Sketch 3_DHT22Wifi.ino
  2. Change the Wifi credentials (to your network)
  3. Open the Serial Monitor
  4. Click the Reset Button on the NodeMCU -> It will say connected, if it connects properly Circuit: How to open the Serial Monitor.


I.1 Create a Geeny account

  1. Go to Geeny.io and create a new account
  2. Click on Become a developer (in the popup click skip)

I.2 Create a new Thing

  1. Click on Devices
  2. Click on Register a new Thing
  3. fill out the form:
  4. give it a name you like,
  5. a serial number (a new UUID e.g. from UUID Generator)
  6. and select the Thing Type NodeMCU+DHT22_1
  7. Click on Register this Thing
  8. Now a screen opens asking to download the certificate files. Save the files on your computer by clicking each file.
  9. On the Device overview page you see your newly created Thing. Click on See logs
  10. Copy the Thing-ID shown on top of the page and save it somewhere (BTW: this is where we will see the data later on)

I.3 Upload Certificates

Generate DER files

For the NodeMCU we need the Certificates in a binary format. This is how to create it:


  1. Open a Terminal window and navigate to the folder where you stores the certificate files
  2. Enter the two following commands $ openssl rsa -outform der -in thing.key -out thing-key.der $ openssl x509 -outform der -in thing.crt -out thing-crt.der
  3. Now you should see two new files in your folder with the file extension .der
  4. Copy this files into the data folder of your Sketch (4_DHT22Geeny)


  1. Download and install OpenSSL from slproweb (File: Win32 OpenSSL v1.1.0g Light)

  2. Copy the Certificates to C:\Geeny

  3. Open a Command Window (Windows+R and enter CMD)

  4. Go to C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin and run openssl.exe

  5. Enter the two following commands $ openssl rsa -outform der -in c:\Geeny\thing.key 
-out c:\Geeny\thing-key.der $ openssl x509 -outform der -in c:\Geeny\thing.crt 
-out c:\Geeny\thing-crt.der

  6. Now you should see two new files with the file extension .der in this folder

  7. Copy this files into the data folder of your Sketch (4_DHT22Geeny)

  8. In order to upload the certificates to the NodeMCE, you need this plugin for the Arduino IDE

  9. In your Arduino sketchbook directory, create tools directory if it doesn't exist yet

  10. Unpack the tool into tools directory (../Arduino/tools/ESP8266FS/tool/esp8266fs.jar)

  11. Restart Arduino IDE

  12. In the Tools menu set the CPU frequency to 160 MHz

  13. Click on Tools>ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload

Part 4 - Connect to Geeny

  1. In the Arduino IDE go to Sketch>Include Library>Manage libraries ... and search for PubSubClient
  2. Install the PubSubClient by Nick O'Leary library
  3. Open the Sketch 4_DHT22Geeny.ino
  4. Change the Wifi credentials (to your network)
  5. Change myThingID to the one you copied from the Device logs page

Copy the thingID

  1. Upload the sketch to your NodeMCU
  2. Check the serial monitor


That's all folks, but check out our Documentation Center to learn to build an application using the data we now connected.

Let's stay in touch:

Geeny.io @geeny.io

Stefan Hermann stefan.h@geeny.io @stefanhermann