Hadoop map reduce examples

Some examples to show the approach of map reduce from Hadoop.

Table SportBrands

Fictitious data, which are not true, have been used as exemplary data.

  1. Column: Shows the brand
  2. Column: Land from the headquarters
  3. Column: Shows the sales numbers of the products so far
  4. Column: Establishment of the brand


You have to

  1. change the chmod of the shell files
  2. copy the data-schema to hadoop dfs
  3. and create environments variables
chmod 757 run_AmountOfSoldProducts.sh
chmod 757 run_AverageSoldProductsPerYear.sh
chmod 757 run_NewestBrand.sh
chmod 757 run_OldestBrand.sh
chmod 757 run_SportBrands.sh

hadoop fs -rm -r input1

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/student_63
hadoop fs -mkdir input1

hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/student_63/file01 \input1/file01
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/student_63/file02 \input1/file02
hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /home/student_63/sportBrands \input1/sportBrands

hadoop dfs -ls /user/student_63/input1/

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

Example: SportBrands

As a result you can see the brand and the founding year

cd ~

cd SportBrands-Java

rm -f SportBrands$IntSumReducer.class
rm -f SportBrands$TokenizerMapper.class
rm -f SportBrands.class
rm -f sportBrands.jar

/usr/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main SportBrands.java
jar cf sportBrands.jar SportBrands*.class

cd ..


Example: AmountOfSoldProducts

As a result you can see the amount of sold products and the brand

cd ~

cd SportBrands-Java

rm -f AmountOfSoldProducts$IntSumReducer.class
rm -f AmountOfSoldProducts$TokenizerMapper.class
rm -f AmountOfSoldProducts.class
rm -f AmountOfSoldProducts.jar

/usr/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main AmountOfSoldProducts.java
jar cf amountOfSoldProducts.jar AmountOfSoldProducts*.class

cd ..


Example: NewestBrand

The brand, which has been on the market since the shortest time, is shown

cd ~

cd SportBrands-Java

rm -f NewestBrand$IntSumReducer.class
rm -f NewestBrand$TokenizerMapper.class
rm -f NewestBrand.class
rm -f NewestBrand.jar

/usr/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main NewestBrand.java
jar cf newestBrand.jar NewestBrand*.class

cd ..


Example: OldestBrand

The brand, which has been on the market since the longest time, is shown

cd ~

cd SportBrands-Java

rm -f OldestBrand$IntSumReducer.class
rm -f OldestBrand$TokenizerMapper.class
rm -f OldestBrand.class
rm -f OldestBrand.jar

/usr/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main OldestBrand.java
jar cf oldestBrand.jar OldestBrand*.class

cd ..


Example: AverageSoldProductsPerYear

It shows the annual average of sold products since the brand is on the market

cd ~

cd SportBrands-Java

rm -f AverageSoldProductsPerYear$IntSumReducer.class
rm -f AverageSoldProductsPerYear$TokenizerMapper.class
rm -f AverageSoldProductsPerYear.class
rm -f AverageSoldProductsPerYear.jar

/usr/bin/hadoop com.sun.tools.javac.Main AverageSoldProductsPerYear.java
jar cf averageSoldProductsPerYear.jar AverageSoldProductsPerYear*.class

cd ..
