
A repository containing the code for the Affective Computing Course

Primary LanguagePython

Research goals

Check if combining emoji and/or lexicon features together with RNN features (after doing a weighted sum by using attention weights) provides any improvement on top of of using either only the lexicon features or only the RNN features for the task of predicting emotion intensity in tweets


Data preprocessing

Use the script preprocess_data.py In order to create an save a vectorizer which can be later reused in training the LSTM model run the script after changing the following parameters in the main function: train_texts_data_path: The path to the training set train_scores_data_path: The path to the ground truth scores for the training set dev_texts_data_path: The path to the test set dev_scores_data_path: The path to the ground truth scores for the test set save_vectorizer_path: The path where the vectorizer should be saved

It will be easier to use the repository if you stick to the path conventions which were used to name the files.

Train LSTM model

Use the script train_run_experiments.py

  • Prepare a vectorizer file for the target emotion type (refer to the Data Processing Section of this file)

  • To train an LSTM model on one of the emotion types and save the its, predictions, and cotext features on the train and test set run the script and change the correspond parameters in the run_training function. This is the description of the parameters which should be change more often:

When instantiating the Dataset class: Dataset.path:path to the vectorizer file which should be used for training the model Dataset.train_lexicon_feat_path: path to the extracted lexicon features for the training set (check the Extracted Features section for more details obtaining the paths to the corresponding emotion types) Dataset.test_lexicon_feat_path: path to the extracted lexicon features for the test set (check the Extracted Features section for more details obtaining the paths to the corresponding emotion types) Dataset.train_emoji_feat_path: path to the extracted emoji features for the train set (check the Extracted Features section for more details obtaining the paths to the corresponding emotion types) Dataset.test_emoji_feat_path: path to the extracted emoji features for the test set (check the Extracted Features section for more details obtaining the paths to the corresponding emotion types)

In the params dictionary: test_predictions_save_path:Path for saving the test set predictions of the best model (based on test set pearson-r correlation) train_context_features_save_path: Path for saving the training set context-level features of the best model (based on test set pearson-r correlation) test_context_features_save_path: Path for saving the test set context-level features of the best model (based on test set pearson-r correlation) use_lexicons: Whether the lexicon features should be used for training the model use_emojis: Whether the emoji features should be used for training the model

Train a Random Forest model, test ensemble model, or explore datasets

Use the script train_run_experiments_classical.py

  • To train a Random Forest model on one of the emotion types set the task variable to train_random_forest. Further, change the emotion_type parameter and set it to one of fear, anger, sadness, or joy and set use_lexicon to True if you want to use the affective lexicon features and use_emojis to True if you want to use the emoji features. The paths to the data files are set in the file.

  • To explore the dataset distribution files set the task variable to explore_distributions and pass the paths to the files containing the ground truth scores for the train and the test sets.

  • To test an ensemble model set the task variable to test_ensemble and pass the paths to the predictions of the LSTM and Random Forest models on the test set.

  • To train a Random Forest model by utilizing LSTM context features instead of the average word embeddings set the task variable to train_random_forest_on_lstm_features. Further, find and change the name of the emotion type in all variables passed to the train_on_lstm_features function.