
Here's how to edit this website!


  1. Make changes and push to github (make sure you have collaborator privilages, and see later sections for details on specific kinds of changes)

  2. Go to /afs/ and pull your changes

     ssh [SUNetID]
     cd /afs/
     git pull

    There's a script on the server that makes the changes live after a successful merge.

Specific kinds of changes

How to add a new page to the website

  1. make a markdown file, e.g. in the top of the directory

  2. add this to the top of the markdown file:

     layout: default
  3. if you want this page to appear in the navbar, add another value to the header:

     layout: default
     title: New Page
  4. visit

How to add a new entry to the "News" section

  1. make a markdown file in the _posts folder. give it a name according to these conventions:

  2. give it a header of the following form:

     layout: post
     title:  "YOUR TITLE"
     date:   2018-03-03 16:16:01 -0600 [your date/time goes here]
     categories: [a couple relevant tags]
  3. Write the body of your post below the header.

How to add a person to the website

  1. go to the file _data/alpslab.yml

  2. find (or add) whatever role they play in the lab (e.g. Principal Investigator, Graduate Student, Alumni), and add a new person to that role.

     - role: [WHATEVER ROLE]
         - [OTHER PEOPLE]
         - name: New Person
           img: newPerson.jpg
           webpage: //
             - >
               A paragraph of this person's bio.
             - >
               Another paragraph of this person's bio.
         - [OTHER PEOPLE]

How to add a publication to the website

  1. go to the file _bibliography/alpslab.bib and add the publication.

How to add an image to the front page carousel

  1. got to the file _data/carousel.yml

  2. add a new image to the end of the file

     - image: my-new-image.jpg
       label: "A description of my new image"
       alt: "if you want, you can add a line of alt text. otherwise, the label will be the alt text."


If the website does not update within a minute or so of making these changes, this might be because the build script has stopped working. Run

jekyll build
rsync -r -a -v _site/* ../WWW/

in a terminal on the Stanford server in the /afs/ directory.


As of 9/25/2018, the website can be updated provided one has Ruby 2.5.1, Jekyll 3.8.4, Jekyll-Scholar 5.1.4, and Redcarpet 3.4.0 (back compatibility with earlier versions of the aforementioned software is possible but not guaranteed). Your Cardinal account comes with versions of Ruby and Jekyll that are incompatible with the website. First, update Ruby via rbenv:

# get rbenv
git clone ~/.rbenv

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
# run the updated .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# fetch the ruby-build installer plugin to make things easier
git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
# download Ruby 2.5.1. this will take some time.
rbenv install 2.5.1
# set your system's default ruby to 2.5.1
rbenv global 2.5.1

Next, get fresh Jekyll, and install Jekyll-Scholar and Redcarpet:

gem install redcarpet -v 3.4.0
gem install jekyll -v 3.8.4
gem install jekyll-scholar -v 5.14.0

Lastly, ensure that local encoding is set to UTF-8:

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8

Note that while jekyll is compatible with GitHub pages, jekyll-scholar is not.

For local debugging, one could run

jekyll build

and then navigate to _site/index.html.