
Vagrant box to test Docker Desktop with Linux/Windows containers

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Docker Desktop on Windows 10

This is a Vagrant test environment to run Docker Desktop in a VMware Fusion vagrant box. You need a Windows 10 Vagrant box, eg. built with https://github.com/StefanScherer/packer-windows and VMware Fusion 11.0.1 and Vagrant 2.2.x. Or maybe one of the boxes at Altas https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?utf8=✓&sort=&provider=&q=win10 may help you skip the packer build step.

vagrant plugin install vagrant-reload
vagrant up

To start Docker Desktop wait until the desktop icon appears. Then double-click it.

You can switch between the Linux and Windows containers.


Further links

Getting started


Install using Chocolatey

choco install -y docker-desktop

Download Docker Desktop
