Telerik Academy 2013-2014

Programming with C# Web Design & Development Software Technologies
C# - Part I HTML Basics Databases and SQL
C# - Part II CSS Styling Web Services and Cloud
Object-Oriented Programming JavaScript Fundamentals JavaScript SPA
High-Quality Code JavaScript UI & DOM End-to-End Applications
Data Structures and Algorithms JavaScript OOP ASP.NET Web Forms
JavaScript Applications ASP.NET MVC

Programming with C#

  1. Introduction to Programming
  1. Arrays
  1. Defining classes - Part I
  1. What is High-Quality Programming Code?

##Data Structures and Algorithms (notes)

  1. Data Structures, Algorithms and Complexity

Web Design & Development

  1. HTML Fundamentals - (conditions)
  1. CSS Overview - (conditions)
  1. Introduction to JavaScript Development
  1. Document Object Model - (conditions)
  1. Course Introduction
  2. Advanced Functions
  1. Course Introduction
  2. Best Practices
  3. Underscore.js
  4. Web Storages
  5. Promises and Asynchronous programming
  6. HTTP & AJAX
  7. [BONUS] Support for ald browsers
  8. [BONUS] Working with third-party APIs
  9. Consuming Web services
  10. App Clouds for persistent data (SaaS)
  11. Unit Testing
  12. App architecture
  13. Exam
  1. Introduction to AngularJS

Software Technologies

  1. Database Systems - Overview
  1. Web Services – Overview
  1. Introduction to Node.js
  2. Node.JS Web Server
  3. Advanced Node.js
  4. MongoDB and Mongoose in Node.js
  5. View engines
  6. ExpressJS
  7. Unit testing Node.js
  8. Tools for development
  9. MEAN stack
  10. App deployment in Cloud
  11. Continuous integration
  12. Teamwork (ItemEx)
  13. Exam preparations
  14. Exam
  1. ASP.NET Intro: Web Forms, MVC, Web API, etc.
  2. ASP.NET Web Forms Intro
  3. Web and HTML Controls, Events
  4. Master Pages
  5. Data Binding and Data Controls
  6. Data Source Controls
  7. Scaffolding (Page Generation)
  8. State Management and Sessions
  9. ASP.NET Identity
  10. Navigation and Sitemaps
  11. Validation Controls
  12. ASP.NET AJAX & AJAX Control Toolkit
  13. User Controls (.ascx)
  14. File Upload + Kendo Upload
  15. Caching Data
  16. IIS Deployment
  17. Team Work
  18. Exam Preparation
  19. Exam
  1. Course Introduction
  2. Introduction to ASP.NET MVC
  3. ASP.NET MVC Essentials
  5. Web Security and ASP.NET
  6. Working with Data
  7. Kendo UI ASP.NET MVC Wrappers
  8. Caching Data
  9. IIS Deployment
  10. SignalR
  11. Bootstrap
  12. ASP.NET MVC Advanced Topics
  13. Project defense
  14. Exam Preparation
  15. Exam (17 November 2014)
  16. ASP.NET vNext Seminar (22 November 2014)