This is a sample solution to an interview challenge I used to set candidates. Details of the challenge are available here.
The solution demonstrates acceptance and unit testing along with some code design practices like separation of concerns, avoidance of duplication and clear naming. It uses a "Ports & Adapters" (a.k.a "Hexagonal") architecture to separate the domain model from external concerns like displaying results and loading data. The OO domain model groups cohesive concepts and avoids accidental coupling.
- python 3
- pip
- virtualenv
From project root, run:
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
. ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
From project root, run:
python tariff_calculator/ input.csv
From project root, run:
From project root, run:
pytest test/unit
From project root, run:
pytest test/