
MultipleCouriersPlanning is a collection of various solving techniques for the Multiple Couriers Planning problem. It supports the following paradigms:

  • Constraint Programming (CP)
  • SAT
  • Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT)
  • Mixed Integer Programming (MIP)

Running the Tests

In order to run the tests:

  1. Build the Docker container with the script or by running the following command: docker build -t mcp ./ . It's important to name the container mcp since the script relies on it.

  2. Run the script

  3. From the docker terminal, in the main directory, run the script with the following parameters:

  • Path to the json file that defines the instances to run
  • Either true or false to run in verbose mode

We have provided some custom configurations to run the instances on the paradigms (both a specific one or all of them). It is sufficient to pass to the script one of the file present in ./configurations/. In alternative, you can build your own configuration following the same structure provided in example_config.json or the ones in ./configutations.