This package is based on gulp-ast, and replicates its base functionality while supporting ECMAScript 2020 syntax.
is a gulp plugin that allows to parse Javascript files into Abstract Syntax Trees.
npm install --save-dev gulp-js-ast
The following code sample searches for all instances of console.log
calls in the code, and replaces them with myLog.log
const AST = require('gulp-js-ast');
const findAndReplaceLogCalls = function() {
return AST.transform(function(ast) {
return AST.traverse(ast, function(node) {
const callee = node.callee;
if (callee == null) return;
if (node.type !== 'CallExpression') return;
if (callee.type !== 'MemberExpression') return;
const nested = callee.object;
if (nested.type !== 'MemberExpression') return;
if (nested.object.type !== 'Identifier') return;
if ( !== 'console') return;
if ( !== 'Identifier') return;
if ( !== 'API') return;
if ( === 'log') {
callee.object = {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'myLog'
exports.replaceLog = function() {
ecmaVersion: 2020
It is also possible to easily rewrite the require paths. The following example replaces all the occurrences of
with require('prefix/path/to/module')
const AST = require('gulp-js-ast');
exports.addRequirePrefix = function() {
.pipe(AST.rewriteRequire(name => `prefix/${name}`))
For the documentation of the parameters accepted by the AST.parse
function, refer to the espree docs.