
Gaming platform for didactic purpose

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Project for Object-Oriented-Software-Design course of University of L'Aquila

This project has the aim to realize a gaming platform in which are present three main actors: simple user, moderator and administrator.

  • Simple user can store exp points and collect tropheis by playing with available games in the system, he can review and vote games too.

  • Moderator has the same features of simple user but he can also promote and demote other users, approve or disapprove game's reviews.

  • Admnistrator has the whole control of the system, he can manage users, moderators and games or by using GUI either with queries to database.

For more details read the documentation.


  • D'Ascenzo Andrea
  • Icaro Iari
  • Martella Stefano
  • Morelli Davide
  • Tramontozzi Paolo

Repository structure

├── doc
│   └── documentation.pdf
├── javadoc
└── src
   ├── controller
   │   ├── AmministratoreController.java
   │   ├── GestioneUtenza.java
   │   ├── GiocoController.java
   │   ├── ModeratoreController.java
   │   └── UtenteController.java
   ├── model
   │   │
   │   ├── dao
   │   │   ├── concrete
   │   │   │   ├── GiocoDao.java
   │   │   │   ├── RecensioneDao.java
   │   │   │   └── UtenteDao.java
   │   │   │
   │   │   └── interfaces
   │   │       ├── GiocoDaoInterface.java
   │   │       ├── RecensioneDaoInterface.java
   │   │       └── UtenteDaoInterface.java
   │   │   
   │   ├── database
   │   │   ├── DB.java
   │   │   └── SQL.sql
   │   │
   │   ├── Gioco.java
   │   ├── Recensione.java
   │   └── Utente.java
   └── view
       ├── amministratore
       │   ├── AmministratoreViewAG.java
       │   ├── AmministratoreView.java
       │   ├── AmministratoreViewLG.java
       │   └── AmministratoreViewLU.java
       ├── gioco
       │   ├── GiocoRecensioniView.java
       │   └── GiocoView.java
       ├── img
       ├── Login.java
       ├── SignUp.java
       ├── miglayout
       ├── moderatore
       │   ├── ModeratoreView.java
       │   ├── ModeratoreViewLR.java
       │   └── ModeratoreViewLU.java
       └── utente
           ├── UtenteViewGL.java
           ├── UtenteView.java
           ├── UtenteViewProfiloGaming.java
           ├── UtenteViewProfiloPers.java
           └── UtenteViewTrofei.java


  • Java to run application.
  • MySql to make app work with database.

Start using it

In order to run the project create a user in the MySQL database with:

CREATE USER 'gaming'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'gaming';

Then give him right privileges with:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'gaming'@'localhost';

Now import this project or cloning it by entering the following command in the command line:

git clone https://github.com/StefanoMartella/GamingPlatform.git

Either downloading the zip from this site. Now move into the downloaded/cloned directory and enter the following command to import database:

mysql -u gaming -p < src/model/database/SQL.sql

You will be prompted for password which is gaming. You are finally ready to launch application with:

java -jar src/GamingPlatform.jar

or right click on GamingPlatform.jar --> open with --> Java(TM) platform SE binary.

NOTE: To make the jar work don't move it from GamingPlatform folder.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.