- 1
Improve README - parser
#27 opened by StefanoMunari - 0
complete parser
#29 opened by StefanoMunari - 0
review parser and merge it into master
#28 opened by StefanoMunari - 0
write tests - cunit
#30 opened by StefanoMunari - 4
- 6
#12 opened by herrBez - 6
- 3
- 7
#13 opened by herrBez - 1
Improve readability
#25 opened by herrBez - 0
Use 80 chars convention
#23 opened by herrBez - 1
REVIEW Grammar Rules
#20 opened by herrBez - 3
#15 opened by StefanoMunari - 1
Memory Leaks
#22 opened by herrBez - 2
- 1
Segmentation Fault possibly due to wrong path
#21 opened by herrBez - 1
Sistemare i nomi delle variabili e le label (cosí Satta è contento, per esempio t1, t2 e L1, L2)
#10 opened by herrBez - 0
Fix product between fract types
#19 opened by StefanoMunari - 2
Fix C printer
#14 opened by StefanoMunari - 1
- 2
Controllare che sia effettivamente corretto il printing C finale (--> testare doppi cicli annidati)
#2 opened by herrBez - 3
Sistemare makefile in modo tale da creare la cartella bin non all'interno di src
#6 opened by herrBez - 1
Sistemare le chiamate polimorfe a tac_printer
#3 opened by herrBez - 0
Render explicit with a new tac enumeration when it is an AOP with arity 1 and arity 2
#18 opened by herrBez - 1
Dividere i file nelle rispettive cartelle
#5 opened by herrBez - 1
- 2
Aggiungere a livello sintattico il controllo che i blocchi di if ed else non siano vuoti
#8 opened by herrBez - 1
Decide how to treat statement with no effect
#17 opened by herrBez - 0
Tidy-up remote history
#16 opened by StefanoMunari - 1
Eliminare tac_test ?
#1 opened by herrBez