
code from The Rust Programming Language book

Primary LanguageRust

The Rust Programming Language

This will summarize all key concept I will encounter when reading this book. I decided to maintain this repository because I found rust very interesting, it is different from every programming language I have ever tried. I this this learning experience will be a lot of fun


Rustup is the installer for the rust programming language, it is like nvm for those are used to Javascript

  • On macOS and Linux can be installed via this script: curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
  • On windows you can install it by downloading and running this exe file

After installation Rust toolchain can be upgraded by using the following command: rustup update
To uninstall Rust and rustup: rustup self uninstall

Hello World

To compile a Rust program we can use rustc main.rs this will create a executable file that can be run


Cargo is Rust's build system and packet manager, creating a new project with it is very simple cargo new <app_name> --bin or cargo new <lib_name> --lib

Useful Cargo commands

  • cargo run runs the program without create the executable
  • cargo build build an executable (debug mode) that you can run later
  • cargo build --release build an executable (release mode) that you can run later
  • cargo check check only if the program compiles
  • cargo upgrade when in Cargo.toml you update a dependency run this
  • cargo doc --open generate the doc for your crate so you can check which method call

What I learned building guessing_game

Guessing game chapter was a pretty fun experience where I learned a lot, for example

  • Declaring variables with let
  • Declaring mutable variables with let mut
  • Use an external crate use keyword
  • Compare two variables guess.cmp(&secret_number), remember to import std::cmp::Ordering because needed
  • Parse a String to another type let guess: u32 = guess.trim().parse(), remember type annotation is needed
  • Use shadowing to take the same variable name (ex after parsing) we don't need to define other variables like guess_int
  • match is like switch but doesn't need default or break because it doesn't fall through