
A parallel algorithm to find all the solutions to an instance of the stable marriage problem, compared with a serial algorithm.

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

The problem

The goal is to generalize the classic version of the stable marriage problem. In particular, given an integer n and two preference lists (one for men and the other for women), we want to enumerate all possible stable matchings for that instance.

Written in

This project is written in C for the serial part, CUDA for the parallel version and R for the part ralated with time analysis.

How to use


Makefile is written for Windows systems. This means that make commands probably doesn't work on other systems, such as UNIX systems.

  • Specific instances: To test specific instances, you can pass an input file (.txt) to the program and specify the path of output. Examples of input file can be found in \tests\. So, the commands for both serial and parallel version are something like

    make serial input_file=... output_file=...

    make serial input_file=... output_file=...

  • Multiple random-generated instances: Multiple random-generated instances can be tested, by passing instances dimension, number of iterations to test, mode which can be classic or times for time analysis purposes. Finally, output path must be provided. Note that the seed can be omitted and if not specified, a default seed is used. Commands for the two versions are

    make tester instance=... iterations=... mode=... output_file=... seed=...

    make cuda_tester instance=... iterations=... mode=... output_file=... seed=...

  • Time analysis: Time analysis can be also performed, with pre-defined parameters that can be directly modified in Makefile. Output files are saved in \src\output\serial_tests\ and in \src\output\parallel_tests\. Commands are

    make serial_analysis

    make parallel_analysis

  • Versions comparison: A comparison of results given by both versions can be carried out. Just instances dimension and number of iterations must be provided. The command is

    make comparator instance=... iterations=...

  • Demo: A demo of the program with specific arguments can be launched by the following command

    make demo