
A PyTorch Toolbox for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning and Meta-Learning

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Easy-to-use PyTorch library for cross-domain learning, few-shot learning and meta-learning.

What is TorchCross?

TorchCross is a PyTorch library for cross-domain learning, few-shot learning and meta-learning. It provides convenient utilities for creating cross-domain learning or few-shot learning experiments.

Package Overview

  • torchcross: The main package, containing the library.
  • torchcross.cd: Contains functions to create network heads, losses and metrics for cross-domain learning experiments.
  • torchcross.data: Contains classes to load data as for cross-domain learning or few-shot learning experiments.
    • torchcross.data.task: Contains the Task and TaskDescription classes, which represent a task in a few-shot learning scenario and a task's metadata, respectively.
    • torchcross.data.task_source: Contains the TaskSource class, which extends the torch.utils.data.Dataset class and represents a data source for sampling tasks in a few-shot learning scenario. Additionally, it contains the utility classes which facilitate working with TaskSource objects.
    • torchcross.data.metadataset: Contains the MetaDataset class, which represents a collection of tasks in a few-shot learning scenario. The FewShotMetaDataset and SubTaskRandomFewShotMetaDataset classes extend the MetaDataset class and provide a convenient interface for sampling few-shot instances from a TaskSource.
  • torchcross.models: Contains torch.nn.Module classes for cross-domain and few-shot scenarios.
  • torchcross.models.lightning: Contains pytorch_lightning.LightningModule classes which wrap the torch.nn.Module classes in torchcross.models and provide convenient training and evaluation routines.
  • torchcross.utils: Contains various utility functions.

This library is still in alpha. The API is potentially subject to change. Any feedback is welcome.


The library can be installed via pip:

pip install torchcross

Basic Usage Examples

Wrapping a PyTorch Dataset as a TaskSource

The WrapTaskSource class can be used to wrap a PyTorch dataset as a TaskSource.

import torch.utils.data
from torchcross.data import TaskTarget, WrapTaskSource

# Create a PyTorch dataset
dataset: torch.utils.data.Dataset = ...

# Define the appropriate TaskTarget. Let's assume that the task is a multi-class
# classification task.

# Classes can be provided as a dictionary. Let's assume that the dataset contains
# four classes with names "Class A", "Class B", "Class C" and "Class D".
classes = {0: "Class A", 1: "Class B", 2: "Class C", 3: "Class D"}

# Wrap the dataset as a TaskSource
task_source = WrapTaskSource(dataset, task_target, classes)

Creating a Few-Shot Meta-Dataset

The FewShotMetaDataset class can be used to create a few-shot meta-dataset from a TaskSource.

from torchcross.data.metadataset import FewShotMetaDataset
import torchcross as tx

# Create a TaskSource.
task_source = ...

# Create a few-shot meta-dataset from the task source. Let's assume that we want to
# sample 100 tasks, each containing 5 support samples and 10 query samples.
# Let's use the stack function from the tx.utils module to stack the support and query
# samples into a single tensor.
meta_dataset = FewShotMetaDataset(

Creating a Few-Shot Meta-Dataset with Random Sub-Tasks

The SubTaskRandomFewShotMetaDataset class can be used to create a few-shot meta-dataset from a TaskSource where each task is a random sub-task of the original task, meaning that each few-shot task contains a random subset of the original task's classes.

from torchcross.data.metadataset import SubTaskRandomFewShotMetaDataset
import torchcross as tx

# Create a TaskSource.
task_source = ...

# Create a few-shot meta-dataset from the task source. Let's assume that we want to
# sample 100 tasks, each containing a random subset of the original task's classes and
# 1 to 10 support samples per class and 10 query samples per class.
# Let's use the stack function from the tx.utils module to stack the support and query
# samples into a single tensor.
few_shot = SubTaskRandomFewShotMetaDataset(

Use the MAML Algorithm to Train a Model on a Few-Shot Meta-Dataset

The lightning.LightningModule subclasses in torchcross.models.lightning can be used to train a model on a meta-dataset. Let's assume that we want to train a model on a few-shot meta-dataset using the MAML algorithm. We can use the MAML class from the torchcross.models.lightning module to do so.

from functools import partial

import lightning.pytorch as pl
import torch
import torchopt
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

from torchcross.data import TaskDescription, TaskTarget
from torchcross.models.lightning import MAML
from torchcross.utils.collate_fn import identity

# Create few-shot meta-datasets for training and validation.
train_meta_dataset = ...
val_meta_dataset = ...

# Create dataloaders for training and validation.
train_dataloader = DataLoader(train_meta_dataset, batch_size=4, collate_fn=identity)
val_dataloader = DataLoader(val_meta_dataset, batch_size=4, collate_fn=identity)

# Create a `TaskDescription` object which describes the task type of task that we want
# to solve. Let's assume that the task is a multi-class classification task with four
# classes.
task_description = TaskDescription(
    classes={0: "Class A", 1: "Class B", 2: "Class C", 3: "Class D"},

# Create a backbone network. We could for example use a pre-trained resnet18 backbone.
backbone = ...
num_backbone_output_features = 512

# Create inner and outer optimizers and hyperparameters for MAML.
outer_optimizer = partial(torch.optim.Adam, lr=0.001)
inner_optimizer = partial(torchopt.MetaSGD, lr=0.1)
eval_inner_optimizer = partial(torch.optim.SGD, lr=0.1)
num_inner_steps = 4
eval_num_inner_steps = 32

# Create the lighting model with pre-trained resnet18 backbone
model = MAML(
    (backbone, num_backbone_output_features),

# Create the lightning trainer
trainer = pl.Trainer(

# Train the model
trainer.fit(model, train_dataloader, val_dataloader)

Real-World Example

See the MIMeta library for a real-world example of how to use TorchCross to perform cross-domain learning, few-shot learning or meta-learning experiments.