File Manager(open to edit)

A dockerized micro-service for adding, updating, retrieving and deleting files

Quick Start



Create a File

    "file": "mark.png"
  • Sample Response
    "status": true,
    "message": "File Uploaded",
    "data": null

Get all Files

    "status": true,
    "message": "Files Found",
    "data": [
            "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d499",
            "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/mark.png"
            "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d498",
            "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/essien.gif"
            "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d497",
            "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/seyi.jpg"
            "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d496",
            "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/john.gif"
            "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d495",
            "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/doe.jpeg"

Get a File

    "status": true,
    "message": "File Found",
    "data": {
        "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d499",
        "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/mark.png"

Update a File

    "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d499",
    "file": "s3://falcon-bucket/files/mark.png"
  • Sample Response
    "status": true,
    "message": "File Updated",
    "data": null

Delete a File

    "id": "5e6288bc8c7fec6308a1d499"
  • Sample Response
    "status": true,
    "message": "File Deleted",
    "data": null

Search a File

Get all Files - Paging

File structure

+- falconmicroservices/ - name of the project folder. +--- config/ - main folder of the API. +--------- config.env - file used for common settings or variables. +--------- db.js - file used for db connectivity. +--- controllers/ - main folder of the API. +--------- files.js - file that houses getFiles(), getFile(), createFile(), updateFile(), deleteFile(). +--- middleware/ - main folder of the API. +--------- async.js - handles asyncHandler(). +--------- error.js - handles errorHandler(). +--- models/ - main folder of the API. +--------- File.js - FileSchema. +--- node_modules/ - main folder of the API. +--- routes/ - main folder of the API. +--------- file.js - router. +--- utils/ - main folder of the API. +--------- errorResponse.js - ErrorResponse class. +--- .gitignore/ - main folder of the API. +--- LICENSE/ - main folder of the API. +--- index.js/ - main folder of the API. +--- - main folder of the API.