
Simple semver-compatible versioning for any project in a git repository.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


This script provides semver-compatible versioning for any project in a git repository, inspired by Nerdbank.GitVersioning.


Nbgv.sh is a single, POSIX-compatible script. Add a version.txt file containing a base version to the root of your git repositry, and nbgv.sh will automatically bump the patch version number for each commit since version.txt was last changed. To bump major or minor versions, manually bump the version in version.txt.

First, initialise your project with a base version. After version.txt has been committed, nbgv.sh will return the version number in version.txt.

$ git init
$ echo 0.1.0 > version.txt
$ git add version.txt
$ git commit -m 'Begin versioning with nbgv.sh'
$ nbgv.sh

Next, add some commits. The version number returned by nbgv.sh will increment with each commit.

$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Empty commit 1'
$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Empty commit 2'
$ nbgv.sh

To cut a new minor version, simply bump version.txt manually:

$ echo 0.2.0 > version.txt
$ git add version.txt
$ git commit -m 'Bump minor version'
$ nbgv.sh

When working on a non-default branch, nbgv.sh will add a -dev suffix:

$ git checkout -b feature
$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Empty commit on feature branch'
$ nbgv.sh


To install nbgv.sh, download the script and add it to your $PATH:

$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StefansM/nbgv.sh/main/nbgv.sh
$ sudo mv nbgv.sh /usr/local/bin


Nbgv.sh is intentionally simple, but it does support a couple of options. To enable each option, set the corresponding environment variable:

  • Verbose mode (V): Print some debugging information to standard error. V=1 nbgv.sh.

  • Main branch (MAIN_BRANCH): Set this to the name of your main branch if it's not main or master: MAIN_BRANCH=my-main-branch nbgv.sh.