A geolocation button for streamlit
pip install streamlit-geolocation
from streamlit_geolocation import streamlit_geolocation
location = streamlit_geolocation()
outputs: {'latitude': 35.9700706, 'longitude': -83.9184362, 'altitude': None, 'accuracy': 12.684, 'altitudeAccuracy': None, 'heading': None, 'speed': None}
Of course, at first it will output "No Location Info" until you press the button.
This uses the javascript method navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition to get the user's location. The response is a GeolocationCoordinates object.
This is heavily inspired by this repository: https://github.com/aghasemi/streamlit_js_eval I am simplifying the scope to just getting the user's location and not evaluating arbitrary javascript, but I owe a lot to the original author.