
Primary LanguagePython

Aesthetic Emotion Classification in Poetry from Small Data

UPDATE: The repo is no longer maintained.

This repository contains the Python implemetation for the base models and experiments described in the Bachelor Thesis of Nguyen, Thanh Tung Linh from the Department of Computer Science, TU Darmstadt. The thesis is supervised by Dr. rer. pol. Steffen Eger.

In this repository, we provide the following codes:

  • Preprocessing codes for the dataset.
  • Training codes for the models.
  • Data transformation codes for the experiments (if required).

(Most of) The trained models that we trained and reported in the thesis can be found and downloaded here.

Install requirements

The code is tested with Python 3.6. All models are trained on Google Colab with provided GPUs

pip install - r requirements.txt

Setup virtual environment (optional) and install requirements:

virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.6 venv
source venv/bin/activate
venv/bin/pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running the codes

Test model

In case trained models are to be tested, please do the following:

1, Download the model from the link above and extract its content into test-model/model. The model folder should look like this after extraction


2, Choose the appropiate test set by editing the test_model.py script. Model marked with suffix 01 indicates it was trained with data from split_0 and should be tested with split_1 and vice versa.

3, Run the script

python test_model.py

The f1_macro score and label-wise f1 score should be shown in console now.

Training Baseline Models

VAD-lexicon based model

Change the working directory

cd base-model/lexicon

To train the model, look into vad.py and uncomment the codes from line 109 to line 120. Run the code with

python vad.py


This implementation is based on https://github.com/UKPLab/emnlp2017-bilstm-cnn-crf

Install additional requirements. It is recommended to setup a different venv to run this experiment separately from other experiments due to conflicting requirements.

virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3.6 venv_new
source venv_new/bin/activate
venv_new/bin/pip3 install -r base-model/bilstm/requirements.txt


pip install base-model/bilstm/requirements.txt

If there is an error with Tensorflow, downgrade it to 1.5.0 should help

pip install tensorflow==1.5.0

Change the working directory

cd base-model/bilstm

Train the model

python train_emo.py

BERT-based implementation

BERT implementations are based on https://github.com/ThilinaRajapakse/simpletransformers

Change the working directory

cd base-model/bert

To train the model, look into bert_multilabel.py and uncomment the codes from line 91 to line 120. It is recommended to use GPU to train. Enable training with GPU by changing use_cuda = False to True at line 51.

In order to run the training code, a base model of BERT-large (about 1.34 GB in size) needs to be downloaded. This is done automatically.

Train model.

python bert_multilabel.py

After training, make sure to comment out the code from line 91 to 120 again since we import this class again to train models in other experiments.

Transfer Learning Experiments

Poetry fine-tuning

This was used in the Poetry Fine-tuning experiment (Section 5.1.1)

Change the working directory

cd transfer-learning/poetry-finetuning

The training code for this experiment has two parts, which need to be executed in order:

  1. Pre-train (or fine-tune) BERT-large with raw poetry
  2. Train the classification models using the model trained in Step 1

The first part can be executed by running the code

python poetry_finetuning.py

After the training has completed, the resulting model can be found in outputs under the same working directory. To ensure reproducibility, we provide our poetry fine-tuned model, which should be downloaded here and extracted to the outputs folder. If done correctly, the folder structure should look like this


After first part is completed, comment out the first part (line 24 to 37), uncomment the second part (line 41 to 83) in poetry_finetuning.py and run the code again to train the classification models.

python poetry_finetuning.py

Emotion fine-tuning

This was used in the Emotion Fine-tuning experiment (Section 5.1.2)

Change the working directory

cd transfer-learning/emotion-finetuning

The training code for this experiment has two parts, which need to be executed in order:

  1. Fine-tune BERT-large with emotion classification task
  2. Train the classification models using the model trained in Step 1

The first part can be executed by running the code

python emotion_finetuning.py

After the training has completed, the resulting model can be found in outputs under the same working directory. To ensure reproducibility, we provide our emotion fine-tuned model, which should be downloaded here and extracted to the outputs folder. If done correctly, the folder structure should look like this


After the first part is completed, comment out the first part (line 24 to 61), uncomment the second part (65 to 83) in emotion_finetuning.py and run the code again to train the classification models.

python emotion_finetuning.py

Meter fine-tuning

This was used in the Meter Fine-tuning experiment (Section 5.1.3)

Change the working directory

cd transfer-learning/meter-finetuning

The training code for this experiment has two parts, which need to be executed in order:

  1. Fine-tune BERT-large with meter classification task
  2. Train the classification models using the model trained in Step 1

The first part can be executed by running the code

python meter_finetuning.py

After the training has completed, the resulting model can be found in outputs under the same working directory. To ensure reproducibility, we provide our meter fine-tuned model, which should be downloaded here and extracted to the outputs folder. If done correctly, the folder structure should look like this


After the first part is completed, comment out the first part (line 25 to 64), uncomment the second part (line 68 to 97) in meter_finetuning.py and run the code again to train the classification models.

python meter_finetuning.py

Data Augmentation Experiments


This was used in the Back-translation experiment (Section 5.2.2)

IMPORTANT The Translation API is currently having some problem (ssut/py-googletrans#264). However, the back-translated text using an older version of this API is still available for training in the working directory.

Change the working directory

cd data-augmentation/back-translation

The augmented data is already available in the folder. Train the model by running

python back_translation.py


This was used in the Oversampling experiment (Section 5.2.1)

Change the working directory

cd data-augmentation/oversampling

The augmented data is already available in the folder. Train the model by running

python oversample.py

Stanza Shuffling

This was used in the Stanza Shuffling experiment (Section 5.2.4)

Change the working directory

cd data-augmentation/stanza-shuffling

The augmented data is already available in the folder. Train the model by running

python stanza_shuffling.py

Words Replacement

This was used in the Words Replacement experiment (Section 5.2.3)

NOTE Running the word replacing functions requires large amount of memory available (>12GB of RAM).

Change the working directory

cd data-augmentation/word-replacing

The augmented data is already available in the folder. Train the model by running

python word_replacing.py

Cross-lingual Experiments

Baseline multilingual BERT (m-BERT) model

This was used to train the baseline m-BERT model (Section 5.3.1)

Change the working directory

cd cross-lingual/baseline-mbert

Train the model

python baseline_mbert.py

Fine-tune m-BERT with German poetry

This was used in the m-BERT Fine-tuning experiment (Section 5.3.4)

Change the working directory

cd cross-lingual/baseline-mbert

The training code for this experiment has two parts, which need to be executed in order:

  1. Fine-tune m-BERT with raw German data
  2. Train the classification models using the model trained in Step 1

The first part can be executed by running the code

python finetune_mbert.py

After the training has completed, the resulting model can be found in outputs under the same working directory. To ensure reproducibility, we provide our German fine-tuned model, which should be downloaded here and extracted to the outputs folder. If done correctly, the folder structure should look like this


After the first part is completed, comment out the first part (line 25 to 38), uncomment the second part (line 42 to 88) in finetune_mbert.py and run the code again to train the classification models.

python finetune_mbert.py

Intermediate task training with German poetry emotion classification

This was used in the m-BERT intermediate task training experiment (Section 5.3.5)

Change the working directory

cd cross-lingual/baseline-mbert-cls

The training code for this experiment has two parts, which need to be executed in order:

  1. Fine-tune m-BERT with German poetry emotion classification
  2. Train the classification models using the model trained in Step 1

The first part can be executed by running the code

python finetune_mbert_cls.py

After the training has completed, the resulting model can be found in outputs under the same working directory. To ensure reproducibility, we provide our German poetry emotion classification fine-tuned model, which should be downloaded here and extracted to the outputs folder. If done correctly, the folder structure should look like this


After the first part is completed, comment out the first part (line 25 to 63), uncomment the second part (line 67 to 92) in finetune_mbert_cls.py and run the code again to train the classification models.

python finetune_mbert_cls.py


Change the working directory

cd ensemble

We provide the binary predictions and the raw output probabilities from all of the models listed in Section 5.4 in the folder predictions and raws, respectively.

The code to run the ensembles is commented out in ensemble.py. Simply uncomment them and run again with

python ensemble.py

should provide identical results to the ones reported in the thesis.

In case there's an error with matplotlib, reinstalling Pillow might help

pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall pillow


Change the working directory

cd analysis

Since LIME needs all the trained classification models to make explanations, we provide all the LIME explanations from our models in json folder for quick assessment. Running the code will visualize these explanations.

python lime_analysis.py