
random thoughts on digital resistance during difficult times

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Digitaler Wiederstand / Digital Protest

random thoughts on digital protest/resistance during difficult times

What is digital resistence/protest?

  • More than a prank/hoax/trolling, form of protest
  • Only using legal actions
  • Not exploiting security vulnerabilities
  • What influence does TikTok have?


Fake attendance signups

Example: Fake attendance signups for Trump's Tulsa rally

News Coverage:

Shopping cart abandonment

Example: Trump merchandise unavailable through shopping cart abandonment

News Coverage:

Fake survey reports

Example: Fake reports on Trump suporters to redirect ad money

News Coverage:

Repurpose domains

Example: Biden campaign buying 'keep america great' website

New Coverage:

App spamming

Censorship due to enforcing copyright violation

Police playing copyright protected music to stop people from recording their police encounters and posting/live streaming them on social media