
"Siamo ragazzi" meme generator

Primary LanguagePython

Siamo ragazzi.

"Siamo ragazzi." cringe meme CLI generator.

Example meme

I'm not sorry.


Install with pipx:

$ pipx install siamo_ragazzi


The generator can be invoked from the command line with the siamo-ragazzi executable.

The above meme was generated with:

$ echo "Raggiungere il sedicesimo livello di ironia programmando generatori di meme che non fanno ridere." | siamo-ragazzi -k "male" -o "media/example.png" -s "deterministico"


The generated meme can be fully customized with command line parameters:

Usage: siamo-ragazzi [OPTIONS]

  -k, --kind TEXT              The meme variation. If not specified, picks a random variation.
  -t, --top-text FILENAME      Path to the file containing text appearing at the top of the meme. Defaults to stdin.
  -b, --bottom-text TEXT       Overrides the text appearing at the bottom of the meme.
  -c, --background-color TEXT  Overrides the background color of the meme.
  -f, --foreground-color TEXT  Overrides the foreground color of the meme.
  -f, --font FILE              Path to the TrueType font to be used in the meme.
  -s, --seed TEXT              Set the random seed.
  -v, --variation INTEGER      Pixel variation for sizes and positions.
  -o, --output FILENAME        Path to save the png output to. Defaults to stdout.
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

More examples

Generate a random quote from fortune as a siamo-ragazzi meme

$ fortune | siamo-ragazzi -o "media/fortune.png"


Generate a gender-neutral version of the meme

$ echo "Why not?" | siamo-ragazzi --kind "i" --background-color "#94c900" -o "media/neutral.png"


Increase the positioning variation

$ echo "non so scrivere sui memi aiuto" | siamo-ragazzi --variation 120 -o "media/variation.png"
