
Port of the Waveshare eInk library to ESP32 (non-Arduino)

Primary LanguageC

ESP32 Waveshare eInk Library

This is my slightly modified version of the waveshare eInk library for the esp32.

This is not meant to be an arduino project. It's for the IDF platform.

My take on the project

Waveshare provides a good sample code. I copied a big portion of what they provide and slightly modified it to use some of the benefits of C++ (mainly classes/objects).

I'm not 100% satisfied with the structure yet (especially the implementation of the specific display commands), but it's working (for me at least).


First, create an SPI object and gpio_pin objects for the pins DC, RST, BUSY.

gpio_pin pin_dc(GPIO_NUM_27);
gpio_pin pin_rst(GPIO_NUM_26);
gpio_pin pin_busy(GPIO_NUM_25);

spi_manager spi(GPIO_NUM_14, GPIO_NUM_13, GPIO_NUM_15, HSPI_HOST);

Then create an instance of your eInk Display:

eInkDisplay2in9 display(&spi, &pin_dc, &pin_busy, &pin_rst);

Now you can create a new painter-object, as well as an image:

gui_paint paint(display.get_width(), display.get_height());
epd_image image(display.get_width(), display.get_height(), epd_image::e_rotate_90, WHITE);

Next step: draw something:

paint.draw_string(&image, 0,0,"hello world", &Font12, BLACK, WHITE);

And finally, bring it to the display:



The base eInk display is modelled by the class "eInkDisplayBase". To implement a specific display (let's say, 2.9", BW), there will be a derived class that implements all the specific commands that need to be sent (just look at the code, it's easier than explaining).

I tried to keep the namings and parameters as close to the stock implementation from Waveshare as possible. However, I changed some things a little bit to better fit my personal preferences/style.


Since I currently only own the 2.9" eInk display, I can only implement and test that. I might add more in the future (or you - and then send me the patch so I can merge it)