
A Foundry VTT dice roller for Year Zero games

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Year Zero Universal Roller

Version Foundry Version Downloads Maintenance License: MIT Patreon Twitter: stefouch

This is a collection of helper methods and classes for rolling Year Zero Engine dice in the Foundry VTT.


  • Simple integration: add the yzur.js and the /templates in your project and initialize them in your main init script
  • Documented methods
  • Support for all Year Zero games
  • Custom Roll class with many extra getters for stunts, banes, traumas, gear damage, mishaps, ammo, etc.
  • Custom DiceTerm classes for each Year Zero dice
  • Push support
  • Custom roll template with push stack and push button
  • Customisable settings
  • Compatible with Foundry 0.8.8 and V9
  • Compatible with Dice So Nice!

Not included:

  • Roll dialog
  • Chat Message push button listener (you have to create one and call the roll.push() method, see example below)
  • Dice So Nice configuration

How to Set Up

  1. Copy the yzur.js library (see releases) in your Foundry system (e.g. in a 'lib' folder).

  2. (optional) Copy the templates in your Foundry system:

  1. In your main script, import the library:
import { YearZeroRollManager } from './lib/yzur.js';
  1. In your init hook, initialize the dice with the .register() method.
    • Replace '<your_game>' with the code of the game to be used.
    • The second argument is an object of options. Add there the paths to the three templates and your own custom settings.
Hooks.once('init', function () {
  YearZeroRollManager.register('<your_game>', {
    'ROLL.chatTemplate': 'systems/your_system/templates/dice/roll.hbs',
    'ROLL.tooltipTemplate': 'systems/your_system/templates/dice/tooltip.hbs',
    'ROLL.infosTemplate': 'systems/your_system/templates/dice/infos.hbs',
  1. The settings are stored in the Foundry's CONFIG.YZUR global variable. For more details and how to customize them, see the constant "YZUR" in the yzur.js library.

  2. Read the documentation.

How to Use


Use the YearZeroRoll class, which extends the default Foundry's Roll class.

Either create your own formula with it, or use the .forge() static method.

import { YearZeroRoll } from './lib/yzur.js';

// Set the dice quantities.
let dice = [
    term: 'b', // Base dice
    number: 5,
    term: 's', // Skill dice
    number: 3,
    term: 'g' // Gear dice
    number: 2
    flavor: 'Sword'

// Set options for the roll.
let options = {
  name: 'My Super Year Zero Roll',
  maxPush: 1,

// Create a roll. Use any of the following methods:
let roll;
roll = Roll.create('<my_formula>', { yzur: true });
roll = YearZeroRoll.create('<my_formula>');
roll = new YearZeroRoll('<my_formula>', data, options);
roll = YearZeroRoll.forge(dice, data, options);

// Roll the roll, same methods as usual
await roll.roll({ async: true });
await roll.toMessage();


The .modify(n) method allows you to add a difficulty modifier to the roll.

let roll = YearZeroRoll.forge(dice);

// Modify the roll.
let modifier = -1;
await roll.modify(modifier);

// Roll and send.
await roll.roll({ async: true });
await roll.toMessage();

There are also two other methods to change the quantity of dice in the roll:

// Add dice.
await roll.addDice(1, 'skill');

// Remove dice.
roll.removeDice(1, 'skill');


let roll = YearZeroRoll.forge(dice);

// Push the roll.
await roll.push({ async: true });

Push from the Chat

Add a listener to the button in the chat to get the roll and push it. See example below.

Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (app, html, data) => {
  html.on('click', '.dice-button.push', _onPush);

async function _onPush(event) {

  // Get the message.
  let chatCard = event.currentTarget.closest('.chat-message');
  let messageId = chatCard.dataset.messageId;
  let message = game.messages.get(messageId);

  // Copy the roll.
  let roll = message.rolls[0].duplicate();

  // Delete the previous message.
  await message.delete();

  // Push the roll and send it.
  await roll.push({ async: true });
  await roll.toMessage();

If you don't want to create a new message and instead edit the current message, you must call an update for the changes:

// Update the message (it triggers its rendering).
await message.update({ rolls: [roll.toJSON()] });

Custom Template

To dynamically use another template for the roll message, you can use this trick:

let templateData = {
  template: "path_to_my_custom_template.hbs",
  flavor: "my_custom_roll_flavor",
  // ...more details see YearZeroRoll#render()...

let messageData = {
  content: await roll.render(templateData):,
  speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor });

let rollMode = game.settings.get('core', 'rollMode');

await roll.toMessage(messageData, { rollMode });

Read More

Read The Fucking Manual here!

Supported Games

Game Code Dice & Denominations
Alien RPG alien skill: s
stress: z
Blade Runner RPG br brD12: 12
brD10: 10
brD8: 8
brD6: 6
Coriolis: The Third Horizon cor skill: s
Forbidden Lands fbl base: b
skill: s
gear: g
neg: n
artoD8: 8
artoD10: 10
artoD12: 12
Mutant: Year Zero myz base: b
skill: s
gear: g
neg: n
Tales From the Loop tales skill: s
Twilight 2000 (4th Edition) t2k a: 12
b: 10
c: 8
d: 6
ammo: m
loc: l
Vaesen vae skill: s

Examples of commands in the chat

FBL — Roll 5 base dice, 3 skill dice, 2 gear dice and one D12 artifact die:

/roll 5db + 3ds + 2dg + 1d12

Alien — Roll 7 dice and 1 stress die:

/roll 7ds + 1dz

Vaesen — Roll 6 dice:

/roll 6ds

Twilight 2000 — Roll a D10, a D8, 3 ammo dice and a location die:

/roll 1d10 + 1d8 + 3dm + 1dl

Custom Pushes — Set the max number of pushes:

/roll 5dbnp   5 base dice     (no push)
/roll 3dsp0   3 skill dice    (max 0 push)
/roll 3dgp3   3 gear dice     (max 3 pushes)
/roll 3dbp3 + 3dsp2 + 3dgnp   (can be combined)

Note: For full-auto fire, you can add the modifier p1000.

Dice So Nice

DsN is supported but not configured. See the API for how to create a proper configuration for your custom dice.


Stefouch Gaming Lab
Built by a fan, For the fans.

👤 Stefouch

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