
Simple implementation of a Linux shell written in C language.

Primary LanguageC


Simple implementation of a Linux shell written in C language. I made this project to learn internals of linux shells and improve my skills in C language.


  1. Clone this directory and cd into it.
  2. Run the command make.
  3. Run ./shell.
  4. Run any command in the shell.
  5. In order to exit, run exit.



  1. cd [DIR]
    • Changes directory to directory specified
    • Throws an error when directory does not exist
  2. cp [FILE1] [FILE2]
    • Copies FILE1 to FILE2, creates new file when FILE2 doesn't exist
    • Throws an error when FILE1 doesn't exist
  3. help
    • Shows description of each command
  4. history & clearhis
    • Lists history of used commands
    • clearhis clears history of used commands
  5. ! [NUM] & !!
    • Executes command number [NUM] in history file
    • !! executes last used command
  6. myls [PATH]
    • Implementaion of the ls command
    • If no arguments are specified, it lists files and directories in current directory
  7. mkf [FILE] & rmf [FILE]
    • Creates specified FILE if it doesn't already exist
    • Removes specified FILE, throws an error when FILE doesn't exist
  8. rabbit [FILE]
    • Implementation of the cat command
    • Prints file on the standard output
  9. setenv [name] [value] & unsetenv [name]
    • Creates an enviornmental variable var if it doesn't already exist and assigns it the value given
    • unset [name] destroys that environmental variable
  10. time
    • Shows current time


  1. I/O redirections
    • Handles <, >, >> operators wherever they are in the command
  2. Pipes
    • Handles | operator
    • Multiple piping is allowed


This project is still in development. I plan to add new commands and features.