
Yet another Async Twitter API library for Typescript/Node.js

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Yet another Async Twitter API library for Typescript/Node.js

Uses node-fetch instead of Request which has already deprecated.


npm i twihi


var TwiHi = require("twihi");

let T = new TwiHi({
    consumer_key: "consumer_key",
    consumer_secret: "consumer_secret",
    oauth_token: "(optional) oauth_token",
    oauth_token_secret: "(optional) oauth_token_secret"

//  User OAuth
let requestToken: IRequestToken = await T.requestToken(callback_url);
let url: string = T.getAuthenticateURL(requestToken);
let accessToken: IAccessToken = await T.accessToken(oauth_verifier, requestToken);

// Pin code authorization, oauth/authorize are also available
requestToken: IRequestToken = await T.requestToken();
url: string = T.getAuthorizeURL(requestToken);
accessToken: IAccessToken = await T.accessToken(oauth_verifier, requestToken);

//  Timeline
let timeline = await T.get("statuses/home_timeline", { count: "5" });

//  Tweet
let tweet = await T.post("statuses/update", { status: "tweet" });

//  Followings
let followings = T.get("friends/list", { screen_name: "twitterapi" });
// Parameter can be omitted when not necessary.
followings = T.get("friends/list");

// Followers
let followers = T.get("followers/ids", { screen_name: "twitter" });
// Promise is also available
followers = T.get("followers/ids").then((x) => { console.log(x); });

Class & Functions

T = new TwiHi(config)

Creates a TwiHi instance for the access to the Twitter API.

If you're using with the user context, the config should be:

config = {
    consumer_key: "consumer_key",
    consumer_secret: "consumer_secret",
    oauth_token: "(optional) oauth_token",
    oauth_token_secret: "(optional) oauth_token_secret"

oauth_token and oauth_token_secret are optional at the initialization. Note that you still need to fill these information later when you want to request for the user-context features.

In the case used only with the application context though, the config can be:

config = {
    consumer_key: "consumer_key",
    consumer_secret: "consumer_secret"

T.get(path, [params])

Send a GET request to the REST API. Can be used for endpoints which ends with .json.

path specifies the endpoint. available for flexible forms. (e.g. /friends/list.json, /statuses/update, statuses/home_timeline.json)

params is optional, and specifies parameters for the request.

T.post(path, [params])

Send a POST request to the REST API.

Parameters are the same as T.get(path, [params]).

T.getREST(url, [params])

Send a GET request to the REST API with full url specification.

url is required as full specification. (e.g. https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authenticate, https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json)

T.postREST(url, [params])

Send a POST request to the REST API with full url specification.

IRequestToken T.requestToken([callbackURL])

Get a request token to request user authorization. Can be used for 3-legged / PIN-Based OAuth.

callbackURL is optional. If you skip it, the PIN-Based OAuth is selected. Otherwise the 3-legged OAuth is selected, and the user is directed to the login page of the callback URL.

String T.getAuthenticateURL(requestToken, [force_login])

Get the Login page URL for authorization with oauth/authenticate. When authorizing with 3-legged OAuth, you should not use this function to avoid oauth/authenticate. The detailed description can be seen at "Twitter API: 3-legged authorization" page.

requestToken is the same with the one returned by T.requestToken([callbackURL]).

force_login is optional, and boolean. It (un)enables force_login so as to force users to enter their credentials.

String T.getAuthorizeURL(requestToken, [force_login])

Get the Login page URL for authorization with oauth/authorize. The difference from the one of oauth/authenticate is that this one doesn't prompt users who has already granted the permission so they don't have to re-approve the application.

IAccessToken T.accessToken(oauth_verifier, requestToken)

Get an access token by exchanging the request token.

oauth_verifier is the one returned by T.getAuthorizeURL(requestToken, [force_login]).

requestToken is the one returned by T.requestToken([callbackURL]).

Void T.setAccessToken(requestToken)

Store the access token.

You can also manually set the token instead of calling this function.


  • Easy to use
  • Promise (async/await)
  • OAuth 1.0
  • REST


  • OAuth 2.0
  • Stream API
  • Error handling
  • Media upload
  • Direct interfaces for requests


  • node.js
  • (typescript)
  • node-fetch
  • query-string


MIT License