Build the VS project and copy the built .wasm file to the GaugeAircraft SDK sample.
Put any (legally acquired, duh!) WAD file you'd like to run in the Packages/<package_name>/work directory.
Controls are as follows:
- Numpad 4/8/6/2 : move
- Numpad 7 : escape
- Numpad 5 : fire
- Numpad 1 : use
- Numpad 0 : enter
- alphanumeric keys (for example, to type save file names or switch between weapons)
Controls are defined in the code and are "easily" remapped through modifiying the doom/doomgeneric_fs2020.cpp file.
All game features are working (such as save files), with the exception of sound and music.
The code is based upon doomgeneric (