
Time-sharing car rental system suite based on CloudWeGo series framework

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


English | 中文

FreeCar is a cloud-native time-sharing car rental system suite based on Hertz and Kitex.

Project Architecture

Call Relationship


Technology Architecture


Service Relations


Technology Stack

Function Implementation
HTTP Framework Hertz
RPC Framework Kitex
Database MongoDB, MySQL, Redis
Authentication Paseto
Service Discovery and Configuration Center Consul
Message Queue RabbitMQ
Service Governance OpenTelemetry
Current Limiting Fuse Sentinel
Object Storage Minio
Image Recognition Baidu OCR
CI GitHub Actions


Small program terminal address FreeCar-MP

Background management terminal address TODO


Catalog Introduce

Catalog Introduction
Cmd Project Core
Idl IDL file for all services of the project
Shared Reusable Code

Service Introduce

Catalog Introduction
API Hertz-based gateway service
User User Authentication Service
Blob Services related to image and Minio object storage
Car Car Service
Profile Home Page and Image Recognition Service
Trip Itinerary Services

Quick start

Start the Dependence

make start


For the default Consul address and KV configuration, please refer to each config.yaml configuration file.



For detailed configuration of KV key-value pairs, see.

Start HTTP

make api

Start RPC

make user
make blob
make car
make profile
make trip


Visit on your browser



Visit on your browser


Development Guide

It is very difficult to understand this project by directly reading the source code. Here is a development guide for developers to quickly understand and get started with this project, including frameworks such as Kitex and Hertz.


Use the commands in the quick start to quickly start the required tools and environment. If you need special customization, please modify the contents of docker-compose.yaml and Nacos configuration.


Before development, we need to define the IDL file, among which hz provides developers with many customized api annotations.

Sample code:

namespace go user

struct LoginRequest {
     1: string code

struct LoginResponse {
     1: i64 accountID

service UserService {
     LoginResponse Login(1: LoginRequest req)

Code Generation


First generate kitex_gen in the shared folder, and then rely on kitex_gen in the corresponding service folder to generate. Execute under the new service directory, only need to change the service name and IDL path each time.

kitex -module github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar ./../idl/rpc/user.thrift
kitex -service user -module github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar -use github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar/server/shared/kitex_gen ./../../idl/rpc/user.thrift


  • Use -module github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar This parameter is used to specify the Go module to which the generated code belongs to avoid path problems.
  • When the current service needs to call other services, it needs to rely on kitex_gen.


hz new -idl ./../../idl/api.proto -mod github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar/server/cmd/api


  • Use -module github.com/CyanAsterisk/FreeCar/server/cmd/api This parameter is used to specify the Go module to which the generated code belongs to avoid path problems.

Business Development

After the code is generated, some necessary components need to be added to the project. Since the api layer does not need to be added again, the following mainly explains about Kitex-Server section, the code is located under server/cmd.


Refer to server/cmd/user/config for the configuration structure of microservices.


Refer to server/cmd/user/initialize to provide the initialization function of the necessary components, among which config.go registry.go flag.go logger.go are required.


Refer to server/cmd/user/pkg to provide calling functions of microservices, which are mainly used to implement the interfaces defined in handler.go.


When writing the business logic of the gateway layer, you only need to update the IDL and the new microservice client code each time. If you need to add new components, you can add them directly. The project is highly pluggable, and the architecture is similar to the microservice layer.

The business logic of the gateway layer is under server/cmd/api/biz, and most of the code will be automatically generated. If you need to add a new route separately, you need to go to server/cmd/api/router.go.

Regarding the use of middleware, you only need to add middleware logic in server/cmd/api/biz/router/api/middleware.go.


FreeCar is open source under the GNU General Public License version 3.0.