Simulation of Tomasulo algorithm in python
Give input in textinout.txt file according to format specified in pdf file All execution hardwares are pipeplined
if want simulation run this file if final output only wanted run this
Enter textinout.txt enter the format given in SampleInputlist.txt
Registers use F1-F16 ALL HARDWARE have 1 quantity (change it if you want to in
'busy':True, 'op':which operation ['vj':0,'vk':0] : empty means not available /if something present means the name of hardware 'qj':0,'qk':0
COMPLETE/PENDING hardware for 2 and 1 input Add code for line ALL HARDWARE have 1 quantity (change it if you want to in Add instruction for issue exec writeback Remove all hardware issue status
simulation on of status- Done just print each reservation table only necessary stuff- Done
add renaming for WAW iLOAD can have second register or address(number)
Show reservationstation for laod complement and store differently