A coffee grinder timer, for Arduino with OLED display and a rotary encoder, controlling the grinder motor with a relay. This can be built into most "dumb" coffee grinders without a timer. It allow you to control the grind time, for a precise amount of coffee for each shot.
Make sure these libraries are installed in your Arduino enviroment. All libraries are available through Arduino Library Manager.
- U8g2lib.h (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2)
- Encoder.h (https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_Encoder.html)
- Wire.h by Arduino
- Arduino Nano or Pro Mini
- OLED Display
- Relay
- Rotary Encoder
- LED + Resistor (150Ω)
- Optional: Extra Buttons to start grinder (single and dual shot amount)