CA1 Interactive Web Applications it was a bookshop list only showing front end and CA2 is a continuous assessment bookshop showing back end working with front end.
Assignment Description Choose an area of your interest to design, create and deploy an interactive web app that incorporates: [30%] Create an API service (you must use Node.js and MongoDB) that supports full CRUD for your existing CA1 app [30%] Update your existing CA1 app to allow populating the HTML table with JSON data provided by the API, implement the ability to Add and Delete items from that table using your new API only from your front-end. You are free to use any available frontend frameworks/plugins to implement that functionality (Vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, etc.) [15%] Deploy your application to Heroku and your database to MongoDB Atlas. Possess a coherent commit history on GitHub (at least 8 valid and logical commits) and have your final submission code present in your Git repository [15%] You have to record a video screencast (10 minutes max) showing how your app works and how exactly you decided to go about making it. You should use your CCT Google Drive to store it and put the link into the final PDF submission. Make sure you set the correct permissions for sharing it or otherwise it will not be possible to see the video [10%] The finished application should be accompanied by a report (5 pages max) that outlines the difference between the existing CA1 and the resulting CA2 apps, reviews which approach was better in your opinion (CA1 vs. CA2) and explains the reasons of choosing a particular framework/plugin for your app at Step 2. The cover sheet for the report should include a full student name, student number, project title, the project’s GitHub repository link and the link to the deployed application on Heroku.