Tic Tac Toe

2-player Tic Tac Toe game made using Socket.io, react, and express.

Deployed demo (Might take some time for first load due to Heroku)

How to play:

1. Open in 2 tabs, or find a friend to play with.
2. Player one click "Create Match", enters a nickname and gets a random 4-digit room-number.
3. Player two joins by clicking "Join Match", entering a nickname, and the room-number player one created.
4. When both players are in, the game starts, and player one will get the first move.


- If one player closes browser or goes back to menu, the other player will be alerted.
- Round-starter switches each round
- If scoreboard is full, a "tie" will be triggered.
- If a player tries to join a room that already has 2 players, an alert will pop up that the room is full.
- If a player tries to join a room that doesnt exist, an alert will pop up that the room is not found.




