
Simple model scheme helper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build status rethink.js


Simple model scheme helper

With modelz, we try to build a backbone/ampersand-Model in a new way. No prototypes involved here.

Currently it's a minimal approach to have properties with getter/setter, automatic children construction and change-events.

how to install?

npm install modelz

how to use?

// load function and set global config for it
import models from 'modelz'

const Schema = models() // <-- potential global module config goes here

const dogSchema = Schema({
  breed: breedModel,
  name: ['string', true],
  color: color,
  friends: [dogModel],

This creates a Schema for a model dogModel. dogModel then will have four properties.

To create the model simply do:

function dogModel(dog) {
  dog = dogSchema(dog)

  dog.bark = function () {
    console.log(dog.name + ' barks!')

  return dog

and then create an instance with:

const lassie = dogModel({
  name: 'Lassie',
  breed: { name: 'Collie' },
  color: 'pied',
  friends: [{ name: 'Tommy' }],

lassie.bark() // console.logs 'Lassie barks!'

So how does this help me?

  • It validates the input data
  • It sets defaults if given
  • It constructs sub-models (breed)
  • It removes data that is not specified in schema
  • It allows for (cacheable) computed properties

detail usage

defining properties

import models from 'modelz'

const Schema = models()

const dogSchema = Schema({
  name: ['string', true], //property definition

There a different ways to define a property:

type as string

Example: name: 'string'

Property is optional and has no default value. Types can be

  • string
  • number
  • date

Array without default

Example: name: ['string', true]

Property is a string, required and has no default value. This is also possible with constructor function.

Array with default

Example: name: ['string', true, 'no name']

Property is a string, required and has 'no name' as default value. This is also possible with constructor function.

default single value

Example: name: 'no name'

Property is a string, required and has 'no name' as default value. This is only possible with primitive types (string, number, date).

detailed description via object

Example: name: { type: 'string', required: true, default: 'no name' }

Possible config properties are


Can be string, number or date


Init function that is called, with the given value as parameter. The return-value it then set as the value of this field


Function that gets called when you access the property, it gets the instance as only parameter. The return-value is then return as value of the field. See computed properties


Function that gets called when you set the property, it gets the new value as only parameter. See computed properties


This can either be a function or a list of property names.

If a function is set it gets called when accessing the property before the get-function itself is called. If this returns the same value for subsequent accesses to the property, the same value is returned without calling get-function itself again.

If this is a list of property names, the sting-representations of those properties is used as the cache key.


Defines if this property is serialized or not


Defines if this property is required or not


Defines the default value if no initial value for the property is given. This can be either a value or a callback function. If it's a function and no initial value was giving during construct the default-callback is called with the initial values of the instance as parameter.



const userSchema = Schema({
  // fields definition
}, {
  preInit: function(user) {
    // do some stuff before getter/setter are applied
    user.onChange = new Signal();
    return user; // always return the instance!!
  postInit: function(user) {
    // do some stuff after getter/setter are applied
    return user; // always return the instance!!

This can be used to e. G. add a change listeners to all instances upon construction (see test.js).


const userSchema = Schema({
  // fields definition
}, {
  onChangeListener: function(user) {
    return user.onChange.dispatch;

The listener should return a function that will be called, when an attribute on the instance changes for whatever reason. The signature of this function is

function(attributeKey, newValue, oldValue) {
  // do, what's required to do here.

see test.js

children models

Example: user: createUser

Property is an object. All data that is passed under the users key on initialization is passed to the createUser function. The result is returned and stored at the key user of the instance.

computed properties

const schema = Schema({
  a: 'string',
  b: 'string',
  ab: {
    get: function (testObj) {
      return testObj.a + '|' + testObj.b
    set: function (testObj, value) {
      value = value.split('|')
      testObj.a = value[0]
      testObj.b = value[1]

const test = schema({
  a: 'foo',
  b: 'bar',

assert(test.ab, 'foo|bar')

Computed properties can be cached too. There are two possibilities:

  • Define the properties the cached prop depends on (see ab)
  • or roll your own (see x)
const schema = Schema({
  a: 'string',
  b: 'string',
  ab: {
    get: function (testObj) {
      return testObj.a + '|' + testObj.b
    cacheKey: ['a', 'b'],
  x: {
    get: function (testObj) {
      return heavyComputationToGetX(testObj)
    cacheKey: function getCacheKey(testObj) {
      return someSimplerFunctionToComputeCacheKey(testObj)

Road map

Refer to the issues.