Frontend assignment exercise



The goal of this assignment is to convert the provided designs below to a working frontend using HTML, CSS and JS.


  • Responsive design
  • Accessible
  • Being able to open and close the FAQ items
  • Only one FAQ item is allowed to be open
  • Being able to open and close the modal box
  • Compatible with latest Chrome and Firefox versions

Design specifics


Global dependencies

you need to have a recent node.js installation and yarn:

Install dependencies

yarn install

Run development server

yarn dev

Will open your default browser to http://localhost:8080/public

Webpack will watch for changes in the ./src directory and output the bundled assets to ./public/assets. In parellel, the development server will watch for changes in the ./public directory and live reload the browser.

Build production bundles

yarn build

Will compile, minify and autoprefix Sass to CSS. Will Minify and uglify JavaScript and output the bundled assets to ./public/assets.


All the designs, icons and images needed to implement the designs are added to the ./public/assets/images directory.


The boilerplate consists of following tech stack and should run out of the box with a basic setup -

  • Webpack
  • Sass compilation (and minification/autoprefixing in production)
  • ES6+ transpilation (and minification/uglyfication in production)
  • ES Modules


If you have any questions while working on the exercise feel free to reach out. We will be happy to help.

Happy coding!