
Avi Networks Horizon UI extension for LBaaS to (i) expose application analytics, and (ii) support SSL certificates

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Avi Horizon UI bits

  • Free software: Apache license


If you are using Neutron LBaaSv2 or not planning on exposing Neutron LBaaS at all in Horizon and expose only Avi UI, then please follow the INSTALLLATION instructions at https://github.com/avinetworks/avi-horizon-dashboard/tree/newton.

The following instructions are for enhancing multi-tabbed LBaaSv1 panel with the following features:

  1. A new tab to manage SSL certificates
  2. A new tab to show Avi Analytics (in read only mode)
  3. Enhancements to "Pools" tab: Ability to associate and disassociate certificates and ability to add an extra listening port (LBaaSv1 allows only one listening port per VIP).


  1. Obtain the avidashboard PIP package for your version of horizon from the releases page. For Liberty, Mitaka, and Newton, please use the master release.
  1. Install the python package using the pip command as follows:

    pip install avidashboard-master.tar.gz

    If you have a previous version of avidashboard, please uninstall that before installing the newer version:

    pip uninstall avidashboard
  2. Modify horizon's settings file to add avidashboard. If you are in a development environment, then this file is horizon/openstack_dashboard/settings.py. If you are in a production environment, most likely it is at /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/settings.py

    Import enabled and update settings (only add the lines commented with "ADD THIS LINE"):

    import avidashboard.enabled    # ADD THIS LINE
    INSTALLED_APPS = list(INSTALLED_APPS)  # Make sure it's mutable
       avidashboard.enabled,      # ADD THIS LINE TOO

    For Juno Horizon, also add the following in the same file:

       'avidashboard',  # ADD THIS LINE
  3. Add the IP address(es) of the Avi Controller to your local_settings (typically in openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py in development environment, or at /etc/openstack_dashboard/local_settings.py in a production environment). For example:

    AVI_CONTROLLER = {"RegionA": "regiona.avi-lbaas.example.net",
                      "RegionB": "regionb.avi-lbaas.example.net", }
  4. (Optional) Enable the Avi Analytics Tab by setting the following in your local settings file (Make sure clickjacking protection is not enabled on Avi Controller; see notes below):


    Note that this option is only applicable for LBaaS v1.0 multi-tabbed panel. Make sure that the LBaaS is enabled in local_settings.py: the variable enable_lb should be set to True.

  5. (Optional) Enable full LBaaS panel to be the Avi UI by setting the following in your local settings file (Make sure clickjacking protection is not enabled on Avi Controller; see notes below):


    If you want Avi UI in read-only mode, then set the following instead of the above:


    In Juno's version of Horizon, there was a bug in _tab_group.html template file, which causes the title of a tab to be shown in a tab group even when there is only tab in the tab group. This is fixed in later versions. To get around this issue, just rewrite _tab_group.html file with the Kilo version at https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/stable/kilo/horizon/templates/horizon/common/_tab_group.html.

    Location of the _tab_group.html file:

    redhat: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/horizon/templates/horizon/common/_tab_group.html, ubuntu: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/horizon/templates/horizon/common/_tab_group.html

  6. Restart horizon. For example:

    $> apache2ctl restart
  7. Make sure that the Avi Controller is installed with a properly signed certificate. Please refer to the following KB on how to set that up: https://kb.avinetworks.com/docs/17.1/access-settings-for-clients-of-the-avi-controller/

    Note that if the Avi Controller is not installed with a properly signed certificate, then many browsers just show a blank page when Avi's iframe panel is opened in Horizon dashboard. As a temporary workaround, you can open another browser tab and access the Avi Controller's URL (https://<avi-controller-ip>/), and accept the self-signed certificate presented by the Avi Controller. After that, please refresh the Horizon tab, and the Avi iframe will start rendering properly.


Starting version 15.3, Avi Controller has clickjacking protection in place. Unfortunately, the Horizon integration with iframes does not work with the clickjacking protection in place. To disable this, please login to the Avi Controller and perform the following steps:

$> shell
Login: admin

: > configure systemconfiguration
: systemconfiguration> portal_configuration
: systemconfiguration:portal_configuration> no enable_clickjacking_protection
: systemconfiguration:portal_configuration> save
: systemconfiguration> save
: > exit