
A simple console application to record your notes quickly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple console application to record your notes quickly


First we will clone the github repository in the wish folder

git clone https://github.com/StephaneKuma/notes_app.git

cd notes_app

Secondly we will install the npm dependencies

npm install

You are ready to rock


  1. Add a new note
  2. Read a note
  3. Remove a note
  4. List all notes

Add a new note

Add a new note by running this command

node app.js add --title="Note title" --body="Note body"

Add output

Adding a new note with an existing title makes this error

Add error output

Read a note

To read a note execute this command

node app.js read --title="Shopping"

Read output

Read a note with a non-existent title makes this error

Read error output

Remove a note

To remove a note, execute this command

node app.js remove --title="Shopping"

Remove a note output

Trying to remove a note which not exist output this error

Remove a note error output

List all notes

See all notes by running this command

node app.js list

List all notes output


To see available command execute this

node app.js --help


Want to see help concerning specific command, execute node app.js command --help. For exemple, we will see add command help

node app.js add --help

Add help