
Neural networks theory, improving networks: hyperparameter tuning, regularization and optimization, structuring ML projects, CNN, RNN, NLP

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This repository contains notebooks of the Deep Learning Specialization offered by deeplearning.ai on Coursera.

  1. Introduction to deep learning
  2. Neural Networks Basics
  3. Shallow neural networks
  4. Deep Neural Networks
  1. Practical aspects of Deep Learning
    - Initialization
    - Regularization
    - Gradient Checking
  2. Optimization Methods
  3. Hyperparameter tuning, Batch Normalization and Programming Frameworks
  1. Introduction to ML Strategy
  2. ML Strategy
  1. [Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks]
    - Convolution Model - Application
    - Convolution Model - Step by Step
  2. Deep convolutional models: case studies - ResNets
  3. Object detection (Car Autonomous driving)
  4. Special applications:
    - Face recognition
    - Neural style transfer
  1. Recurrent Neural Networks
    - RNN Step by Step
    - Character-Level Language Modeling
    - Jazz improvisatoin with LSTM
  2. Natural Language Processing & Word Embeddings
    - Emojify
    - Word Vector Representation
  3. Sequence models & Attention mechanism
    -Machine Translation
    -Trigger Word Detection