A curated list of awesome things i usually use. Inspired by Sindre Sorhus one.
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
Just for testing : [] pb de chemin surement
- [Query Express] (http://www/albahari.com/queryexpress.html) - A query analyzer which doesn't need install, fast, free et only 100ko src
- C++
- [PocketCPP] (https://github.com/dacap/pocketcpp) - an exe which is a 7zip autoextractible c++ environnement with no need for install. Tested for LuaJit compilation, work like a charm.
- Go
- Awesome Go - Libhunt - A list of great libraries for Go
- Javascript
- For The Web
- [StickyState] (https://github.com/soenkekluth/sticky-state) - StickyState adds state to position:sticky elements and also polyfills the missing native sticky feature.
- For The Web
- Json
- [Json Generator] (http://www.json-generator.com/) Generate complex json data from a description (support function returned data)
- [Php The RightWay] (http://www.phptherightway.com/) - A list of good practices for PHP lang
- [Cloudschool] (http://www.cloudschool.org) - CloudSchool is a platefrom which allow you to discover or to share some teaching lessons src
withous mentions all tools are for windows plateform
- Stuff I Just Dig.
- [Carnac] (http://code52.org/carnac) - This wonderfull tool show the hotkey's you're pressing as you press them, showing up as a little overlays in the corner (i use it to prepare my autoit automate)
- [Mouse Without Borders] (www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35460) - Like Synergy but not cross plateform. It allow you to have one keyboard and one mouse for all your computers fleet.
- [httpie] (http://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie) Curl succesor ?
- Editor
- [MarkdownEditor] (http://georgeosddev.github.io/markdown-edit/) Online markdown editor which is fast, and have a dual panel with preview. Must have !
- Text-expander
- [PhraseExpress]
- Text-transform.
- [PureText] (http://www.stevemiller.net/puretext) - Puretext allow you to copy on element and paste it without anyformat
- Text-tools
- list of structured-text-tools - A list of command line tools for manipulating structured text data
- Misc.
- [DeskPin] (http://efotinis.neocities.org/deskpins/index.html) - Deskpin allow you to pin a window so that it appears "Always on Top"
- System
- [BCUnistaller] (http://klocmansoftware.weebly.com/) - Uninstaller with ability to batchuninstall (multiuninstall)
- CSS/Js
- [The Aviator] (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2016/04/26/the-aviator-animating-basic-3d-scene-threejs) - Mini Game aviator (Three.JS,WebGL)
To the extent possible under law, Stephane.Ty has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.