
Build a Hangman command line application

Primary LanguageSwift

Unit 1 Hangman

Instructions for lab submission

  1. Fork the assignment repo
  2. Clone your Fork to your machine
  3. Complete the lab
  4. Push your changes to your Fork
  5. Submit a Pull Request back to the assignment repo
  6. Paste a link to of your Fork on Canvas and submit

For this assignment, you will build hangman


  1. The user must be able to play against the computer
  2. The word that the computer chooses must be random. There is a large array of words below.
  3. The user must have a limited number of guesses
  4. After each guess, the computer should print out the current state of the word you are guessing. (ex. A _ _ L E, for apple)
  5. After each guess the computer should print out how many guesses you have remaining. For full credit, make it actually print out a picture somewhat similar to the link above.
  6. The computer should tell the user if she wins, show her how many guesses it took and end the current game
  7. The user should see the correct answer if she loses
  8. The user should have the option to play the game again.



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