
VR apartment scene. Unity mobile app project for Udacity's VRND course - Project 2

Primary LanguageC#


VR apartment scene. Unity mobile app project for Udacity's VRND course. The goal of the project was to familiarise with Unity basics of animations, materials, scripting, lightmaps, and optimizations for mobile.

VR Geek Apartment


  • Press in any place to teleport around.
  • Press on "Death Star" globe to spin it.

How to Install

  • Open project in Unity 5.5.x (I used 5.5.4f1)
  • In the Build Setting switch the platform to Android (may work for iOS, but I did not test it)


  • See Build folder for APK
  • Download the APK to your Android device and install

GVR Unity SDK Version


VR Geek Apartment VR Geek Apartment VR Geek Apartment VR Geek Apartment