
Adminstrator for Investa Farm Marketplace

Primary LanguageJavaScript

dApp Starter Kit


This is a starter kit for building decentralized applications (dApps) using Solidity smart contracts and React.js frontend.

It provides a basic setup for building, testing, and deploying your dApp.

The starter kit includes a sample smart contract written in Solidity, a React.js frontend, and a Hardhat configuration for deploying to the Ethereum test networks (The sample contract is deployed in mumbai testnet).

It also includes scripts for compiling, deploying, and testing your dApp.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, this starter kit provides a solid foundation for building your next dApp. Get started quickly with our easy-to-use setup, or customize it to fit your specific needs.

Happy coding!

Getting started:

There are 2 branches:

  1. wagmi-wallet
  2. metamask-wallet

wagmi-wallet: recommended when building large scalable dApps. Supports coinbase, walletconnect and metamask wallets

metamask-wallet: recommended when doing smaller projects, only supports Metamask wallet


Run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/Stephen-Kimoi/dApp-starter-kit.git

git checkout metamask-wallet

cd dApp-starter-kit & npm install

cd frontend & npm install

npm run dev

Link to demo: https://www.loom.com/share/512ac2e1e464495b903f8c49573f2ce9

File structure

This is the file structure:

├── contracts/
│   ├── SimpleStorage.sol
├── frontend/
│   ├── public/
│   │   ├── logo.png
│   └── src/
│        ├── assets
│        ├── components/ 
│        │    ├── ConnectWalletModal/ 
│        │    │    ├── ConnectWalletModal.css 
│        │    │    ├── ConnectWalletModal.jsx
│        │    │    ├── RenderConnectors.jsx
│        │    ├── Header/ 
│        │    │   ├── Header.css 
│        │    │   ├── Header.jsx 
│        │    ├── Navbar/ 
│        │    │   ├──  Navbar.css
│        │    │   ├── Navbar.jsx
│        ├── ConnectWallet/ 
│             ├── ConnectWallet.js
│        ├── ContractInstance/ 
│        │    ├── ContractInstance.js
│        ├── contracts/ 
│        │    ├── contract-address.json 
│        │    ├── SimpleStorage.json 
│        ├── App.css
│        ├── App.jsx
│        ├── index.css 
│        ├── main.jsx
├── scripts/ 
│   ├── deploy.js 
├── test/
│   └── SimpleStorage.js 
├── hardhat.config.js
├── package.json
└── README.md 

NB: The file structure of the wagmi-wallet branch is a bit different from the file structure of the metamask-wallet branch

Sample contract is found in contracts/SimpleStorage.sol

The deploy script is found in scripts/deploy.js

NB: You do not need to manualy copy paste the contract ABI and address when you run the deploy script, the saveFrontendFiles function inside the deploy.js script automatically creates a folder named contracts inside the frontend/src directory which contains:

├── contracts/ 
    ├── contract-address.json - contains contract address 
    ├── SimpleStorage.json - contains contract ABI

The command for running the deploy script is: npm run deployTestnet (check out package.json in the main directory)

This command deploys the contract to mumbai testnet

If you want to test the smart contract locally without having to deploy it:

  1. Run npx hardhat node for starting the hardhat node network.
  2. Run npm run deployLocal deploys contract to local hardhat network that you've just started.


Dependencies: vite react-modal ethers

When you run npm run dev this is the site that you'll see:

Click on the connect wallet button and this pop-up will appear:

Once you connet your wallet succesfully this is what you'll see:

You can write any message and send it to see whether your transaction will be successfull

NB: The contract is deployed in mumbai testnet, therefore ensure you've switched to mumbai testnet and have some mumbai matic to prevent any errors.

Functions description:

Wallet Connection:

We are using Ether js to connect to our wallets.

Function for connecting wallet can be found in the frontend/src/ConnectWallet/ConnectWallet.js directory

├── frontend/ 
│    ... 
│    └── src/ 
│    ... 
│       ├── ConnectWallet/ 
│           ├── ConnectWallet.js 

The wallet provider that has been configured in the project is Metamask


The file can be located in the frontend/src/components/Navbar/Navbar.jsx

File path:

├── frontend/ 
│    ... 
│    └── src/ 
│    ... 
│       ├── components/ 
│           ...
│           ├── Navbar
|               ├── Navbar.jsx

When you click the connectWallet button, a modal pop-up containing button for connecting to Metamask

Once you've connected your wallet, 2 buttons appear:

  1. Disconnect - for disconnecting the wallet
  2. Sliced address - contains address of the connected wallet


This is where the wallet connection takes place.

The main function for connecting the wallet can be found within the handleMetamaskSignUp function.

The renderConnectors function on line 47 displays the Metamask wallet connector button.

Once the wallet is connected, the Header component appears.


This is where we call and perform actions to the deployed smart contract.

We first import the contractInstance from the frontend/src/ContractInstance/ContractInstance directory.

import contractInstance from '../../ContractInstance/ContractInstance';

We are performing the contract write operation normally using ethers js

We call the set function from the simpleStorgae contract instance gotten from the contractInstance import.