QGoImageCompare : Image Compare subproject ============================================================================ 1-Introduction This application is part of the GoFigure project (see http://gofigure2.sf.net), whose primary goal is the automatic segmentation of nuclei and cell membranes and in temporally tracking them amidst cell division to create lineages. Using ITK, VTK and Qt libraries, we developed an application for 2D and 3D image visualization and comparison. We provide a set of classes for simple integration in a program, an executable for a command line use, and a pretty-printer for visual debugging in GDB. In case of a 3D dataset, the visualization is rendered with a variant of the vtkINRIA engine. The GDB pretty-printer requires the setup described at http://itk.org/Wiki/ITK/GDBPretty 2-Documentation 2.1 Articles An article introducing the features of this project is provided via its LateX sources. You can also find the Kitware Source Article (.doc and .odt). 2.1.1 Prerequisites To be able to compile this article, reader should first have the following software: * LateX distribution (TexLive 2009 was used with picins.sty) 2.1.2 Compiling the pdf $ cd Documentation/Article/Code $ make 2.2 Doxygen 2.2.1 Prerequisites To be able to compile the documentation, User or Developer should first install the following software: * Doxygen (>=1.7.1) 2.2.2 Compiling the documentation: Turn on BUILD_DOCUMENTATION during cmake configuration (See 3-Installation). ITK, VTK, Qt documentations can be linked by turning ON the option LINK_EXTERNAL_DOC. 3-Installation 3.1 From Sources 3.1.1 Prerequites User or developpers should first install the following libraries and softwares: * CMake (>=2.8.2) visit http://www.cmake.org * Qt (>=4.5) visit http://www.qtsoftware.com * VTK with Qt (>=5.6.0) visit http://www.vtk.org * ITK (>=3.18) visit http://www.itk.org 3.1.2 Configuration * On Linux/Mac Os X: $ git clone git://github.com/gofigure2/QGoImageCompare.git $ cd QGoImageCompare Create a build directory where GoFigure will be compiled $ mkdir BUILD Launch cmake $ cd BUILD $ ccmake ../ Build $ make -j2 Test $ ctest -j2
QGoImageCompare is a library aimed at simple comparison of images. The library provides an easy means to add 2D and 3D image visualization and examination features to a Qt4 application, or the bundled visualization executables can be used on their own.