SEIZMO - passive seismology toolbox for Matlab & GNU Octave 1. What is SEIZMO? ------------------ A set of routines that taken together can aid in learning seismology as well as reduce the effort required in day-to-day processing and analysis in seismology research. See the project website for more details: 2. Downloading -------------- 2a Get the latest version (as a compressed tarball or zipfile) here: 2b Or grab an older tagged version: 2c Or if you have git installed (, you may use it to retrieve the latest version: git clone git:// and to update to the latest version (within the seizmo directory): git pull git:// 3. Installation --------------- 3a If you went with route 2a or 2b then extract the tarball/zipfile somewhere on your filesystem. Next, go into the extracted directory and start Matlab or GNU Octave. Finally, run install_seizmo in Matlab or GNU Octave. This function will remove any paths from previous SEIZMO installs and add paths for the current SEIZMO as needed. Drop me a note if you are having trouble with the install. 3b If you went the git route (2c) then move into your new repository and open Matlab or GNU Octave. Next, run install_seizmo in Matlab or GNU Octave. NOTE: You should run install_seizmo even if you are only updating using git because SEIZMO's directory layout changes from time to time and Matlab & GNU Octave need to be made aware of this. There may be issues during the uninstall phase with git-based updates so you might need to clean your path occasionally. 3.1 If you can't download through Matlab and are on Linux/Unix/OSX, you may run the bash script setup_seizmo.bash via a terminal to download and unpackage external tools for seizmo. 3.2 If you can't or don't want to save seizmo to your paths, you can use startup_seizmo and shutdown_seizmo to dynamically use seizmo when you want. This is also useful when the functions in seizmo have the same name as functions in another package that you are using. 4. Getting Started ------------------ 4a In Matlab: Type 'help seizmo' in the Matlab command window. Follow the hyperlinks as desired. 4b In Octave: Type 'help <function>' where <function> is the function you want help with. There is currently no over-arching help for seizmo in GNU Octave because this requires significant effort making info files. REMEMBER: 'help <function>' or 'help <directory>' ex. help install_seizmo help cmt 5. Contributing --------------- Awesome! See the CONTRIB file!