
dotfiles using stow

Primary LanguageVim Script


dotfiles using stow

  • install git, stow, zsh
  • install neovim (expected is neovim for alias etc, could be changed locally)
  • install powerline
    • https://powerline.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
    • on Ubuntu/Arch linux can install with package manager
      • Ubuntu: sudo apt install powerline
    • Otherwise install with pip and also install fonts (install directory might be different than what dotfiles are configured for)
    • Might have to select one of the powerline patched fonts in terminal.
    • note that vim uses vim-airline instead of powerline but still requires powerline patched font?
  • cd ~
  • git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Stephen321/dotfiles.git
  • cd dotfiles
  • stow X (note: if any of the files under X/ already exist in ../ then they won't be overriden unless using --override=*)
  • chsh -s /bin/zsh
  • use zsh and it will install plugins/themes the first time


To update oh-my-zsh directory:

  • git submodule update --remote zsh/.oh-my-zsh
  • (maybe) git commit/add/push