- 1
AsyncLock is causing ANR in .NET MAUI with .NET 8
#288 opened by dharamhbtik - 5
Add cancellation support to `AsyncLazy`
#287 opened by julealgon - 6
Strong names
#285 opened by BlackGad - 5
Docs: reentrancibility of async lock
#257 opened by matthew-a-thomas - 1
- 5
- 2
- 3
- 1
The ApmAsyncFactory interop hangs if a path in async method returns synchronously.
#281 opened by fiseni - 11
- 0
- 1
[Question] Is ConfigureAwait(false) is needed?
#278 opened by deastr - 1
[Question] Using discard with AsyncLock
#277 opened by deastr - 3
AsyncCollection IsEmpty
#264 opened by romerod - 2
Cross thread Sync context stealing
#276 opened by TomKuhn - 0
- 1
How to upgrade from v3 to v5?
#259 opened by hexlify - 1
Using LazyAsync with JSONSeralizer?
#273 opened by rklec - 0
Producer/Consumer PriorityQueue
#274 opened by StephenCleary - 3
Atomic wait semantics lead to continued processing after cancellation
#270 opened by WalkerCodeRanger - 0
CancellationTokenTaskSource's dispose
#272 opened by yfital - 2
[Question] .WaitAndUnwrapException() vs AsyncContext and potential deadlock
#267 opened by MiloszKrajewski - 1
- 1
What happened to NotifyTask?
#271 opened by jmo-gelsight - 2
Feature Request: AsyncManualResetEvent pulse
#247 opened by danbopes - 2
Ignore but unwrap exception?
#244 opened by azhe403 - 5
The AsyncLazy<T> does not release resources closed over by the factory delegate
#256 opened by theodorzoulias - 2
Deadlock with AsyncReaderWriterLock
#255 opened by blair-ahlquist - 1
ValueTask support
#254 opened by mikasoukhov - 0
- 1
#262 opened by Korporal - 4
Could not load type 'Nito.AsyncEx.SynchronizationContextSwitcher' from assembly 'Nito.AsyncEx.Tasks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.":"Nito.AsyncEx.SynchronizationContextSwitcher
#261 opened by connorivy - 1
Enforce that monitor is entered when calling `Pulse` and `PulseAll` or remove requirement?
#260 opened by WalkerCodeRanger - 5
Dedicated Threadpool context with AsyncContext.
#248 opened by oliver021 - 3
Double awaits in a few places
#252 opened by tvass83 - 0
Expose AsyncCollection.Empty
#253 opened by md-ae - 2
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- 2
Installed aseemnbly Nito.AsyncEx.Coordination, Version= but shows Could not load IO error
#249 opened by anupshah2it - 2
Add WaitAndUnwrapException for ValueTask
#246 opened by GSPP - 2
Feature request: A task scheduler with a fixed number of threads separate from the main pool
#245 opened by GSPP - 3
- 4
#239 opened by TDishop - 1
Suggestion - "safe" WaitAsync
#236 opened by yfital - 4
Sometimes AsyncContext would not stop
#242 opened by szmcdull - 0
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- 3
AsyncContext.Run vs TaskUtil.Await
#237 opened by Timovzl - 4
Q: Timeout to acquire lock?
#235 opened by Peperud - 2
AsyncAutoResetEvent - Now way to DequeueAll
#234 opened by onehundredfeet