
use PySpark to perform the ETL process to extract the dataset, transform the data, connect to an AWS RDS instance, and load the transformed data into pgAdmin.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


use PySpark to perform the ETL process to extract the dataset, transform the data, connect to an AWS RDS instance, and load the transformed data into pgAdmin.


NOTE: Data has been filtered by droping all null values and filtering the data such that all products have a minimum of 20 votes and the helpful raiting is over 50 pecent.


When looking at the statistics its hard to say if there is a bias. We are indeed showing that the 90 Vine reviews, of which 44 were 5 star raitings, percentages were indeed higher than that of non payed reviews. The 10 percent different does lend credence to the assumption that paid reviews contain bias but with such a small sample size it may not be best to draw conclusions just yet.

More data is needed or expand the filter to include 4 and 5 stars.