
Simple Artist Website using: Node.js, Jade (Pug), Sass

Primary LanguageCSS

A mobile responsive artist website designed by Stephen Grable.

Technologies used:

Jade (now referred to as Pug) for HTML templating, Sass for advanced CSS, Javascript including Node (Express) for backend server support/custom build scripts and JQuery for scrolling effects and interactive elements.

I really learned a lot during this build. I explored ways to modularize my code and also utilized modern techniques to dramatically improve performance. I used npm scripts to compile and minify javascript/css files and to optimize images for the web. I employed a dynamic loading system for video that loads only when the user wants to view the content. These techniques dramatically minimized the initial loading time and improves the overall experience of the website.

I enjoyed using Jade(Pug) and Sass for this build. These tools made it very easy to split up my code into sections that reflected the content of the site. If I or someone else happens to revisit this code, I have no doubt that it will be easy to understand and contribute to.

Feel free to explore the live build here -> https://grable-artist-website-demo.herokuapp.com/