
Tetris coded in Javascript. Try:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Coding in Javasript, with HTML/CSS. Link to play: https://neodragoncp.github.io/tetris-javascript/


I recently came across coding a Tetris game in Javascript by Ania Kubow.

Her video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAUn1Lom6dw&list=WL&index=17&t=0s

Originally I was doing it as just a bit of fun/practice but ended up doing my own take on the project.

Improvements I made:

  • Generated all of the grid divs (for displaying of the pieces) in Javascript rather than writing them all in the HTML file.
  • Refactored code with improved readability to variable names and less repeating of the code in general.
  • Broke out the Tetrominos into their own file. Functions for movement and rotation have safety checks that the CurrentTetromino is valid.
  • Organized the CSS better and used variables for better control.
  • Custom design overall.
  • Added highscore saved to local storage. -Added mobile controls for ability to play on touch screens.

Known bugs:

  • Scoring a point (completing a line) can cause the next falling Tetromino to double up on it's upper line.
  • Changing rotation near a wall of the grid will cause some of the shape to flip over to the other side.
  • Not a bug as such but I just randomly assign a color to each piece. Really each shape should have it's own color (eg. line Tetromino is only blue).