
Generate rendered FreeMarker templates based on Camunda BPM Model API usage of BPMN files. Great for generating business process documentation based on a .bpmn file

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Camunda BPMN Model API to Freemarker Template

This is a use case example of using the CamundaBPM (Camunda.org) Model API with Vertx. Allows you to provide a BPMN file which will be read and parsed by Camunda's Java Model API and then rendered through a provided FreeMarker template.

Still not sure what this does...

This lets you provide a FreeMarker template and a BPMN file; the output is a rendered template. The purpose is to allow someone to navigate the Camunda BPMN model API directly in the FreeMarker template in order to easily generate documentation for BPMN files.


Install NPM Dependencies: ./gradlew clean npmInstall

Run Gradle Build: ./gradlew clean run


  1. https://docs.camunda.org/javadoc/camunda-bpm-platform/7.8/?org/camunda/bpm/model/bpmn/instance/package-summary.html
  2. User Tasks Model Element: https://docs.camunda.org/javadoc/camunda-bpm-platform/7.8/org/camunda/bpm/model/bpmn/instance/UserTask.html


bpmn image extension configuration

BPMN File XML Snippet

    <bpmn:userTask id="Task_0w364uq" name="Step 3" camunda:assignee="chris">
          <camunda:property name="order" value="My Order" />
          <camunda:property name="title" value="My Title" />
          <camunda:property name="failure" value="My Failure" />
          <camunda:property name="resolution" value="My Resolution" />

FreeMarker Template

template is loaded from app/templates/myTemplate.ftl


<#list tasks_>
  <#items as task>
  Task Type:

  Task Name:

  Custom Attributes:
  <#list task.getExtensionElements().getElementsQuery().filterByType(extensionElements_).singleResult().getCamundaProperties()>
    <#items as extensionElement>
      Key: ${extensionElement.getCamundaName()}
      Value: ${extensionElement.getCamundaValue()}



Config File

The template_inputs property is inserted into freemarker. Any property with a underscore _ at the end of the property name will go through eval().

Config is loaded from app/template_config.json

  "template_inputs": {
    "extensionElements_": "instanceClass('camunda.CamundaProperties')",
    "tasks_": "modelInstance.getModelElementsByType(instanceClass('Task'))"
  "template_path": "myTemplate.ftl"

The extensionElements_ property is a special property that provides the CamundaProperties Class for use in the FreeMarker template such as:

<#list task.getExtensionElements().getElementsQuery().filterByType(extensionElements_).singleResult().getCamundaProperties()>

Console Output

  Task Type:

  Task Name:
  Step 1

  Custom Attributes:
      Key: order
      Value: some order value

      Key: title
      Value: some title value

      Key: failure
      Value: some fail

      Key: resolution
      Value: some resolution


  Task Type:

  Task Name:
  Step 2

  Custom Attributes:
      Key: order
      Value: order123

      Key: title
      Value: title321

      Key: failure
      Value: fail000

      Key: resolution
      Value: resABC


  Task Type:

  Task Name:
  Step 3

  Custom Attributes:
      Key: order
      Value: My Order

      Key: title
      Value: My Title

      Key: failure
      Value: My Failure

      Key: resolution
      Value: My Resolution


TODO / Enhancements:

  1. Provide external / injectable input object as a json file.
  2. Config/Input defines the Template
  3. Provide a File Writer
  4. Add more generation get Elements call so that all elements are gotten and the FreeMarker template will sub-navigate the tree of elements. (Removes the current need to setup "Per Element Type" properties in the inputs object)
  5. Provide a HTTP endpoint to get the rendered template as different content types such as JSON and HTML
  6. Provide a HTTP Endpoint to inject Config and FTL templates so the parser can live as a "microservice"
  7. Generate Image of BPMN file
  8. Generate Zoomed in Image of BPMN Element in context of overall file