## Commands to install the project Some linux variants will run into problems in the buildout process. Make sure the following packages are installed on your system: apache2 apache2-devel mysql mysql-devel gcc swig python-devel python-setuptools Some systems may have different package names or require additional packages. Set up apache with the following VirtualHost example: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin user@localhost DocumentRoot /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place ServerName mydomain.com ServerAlias www.mydomain.com ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/CollectorCity-Market-Place-error.log CustomLog /var/log/apache2/CollectorCity-Market-Place-access.log combined Alias /media/admin /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/auctions-env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media Alias /media /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/marketplaces/media Alias /favicon.ico /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/marketplaces/media/favicon.ico Alias /robots.txt /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/marketplaces/media/robots.txt <Directory /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/media> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> WSGIDaemonProcess user processes=1 threads=2 python-path=/opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/auctions-env/lib/python2.6/site-packages user=user group=user WSGIProcessGroup user WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place/deploy/marketplaces.wsgi <Directory /opt/CollectorCity-Market-Place> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost> virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.6 auctions-env pip -E auctions-env install --requirement=auctions/deploy/requirements.txt source auctions-env/bin/activate The Deploy Directory should contain djangoflash.zip and the gchecky.zip files The libs directory should contain the geopy, pickefield, pyExcelerator, reversion, south and storages directories See requirements.txt for more info cd /CollectorCity-Market-Place/ chmod +x manage.py # crear db en mysql, editar settings.py ./manage.py syncdb ./manage.py runserver ### Crons ### 1) cron_week_topsellert.py To get the best seller of the week. run once a week (could be all mondays) 2) cron_send_daily_invoice Daily invoices. Cron that sends the invoices to customers... Should be run once a day, every day... 3) cron_past_due.py Should be run every day, once a day. It checks which customer do not paid their subscription, send mail to site admins.. ### RUN SOLR java -Dsolr.solr.home=multicore -server -jar start.jar 4) Reindex sorl objects python manage.py update_index -a 1 ## Commands to install the project easy_install virtualenv pip virtualenv --no-site-packages --python=python2.6 auctions-env pip -E auctions-env install --requirement=deploy/requirements.txt source auctions-env/bin/activate cd marketplaces chmod +x manage.py # edit settings.py set DEBUG=True to so runserver serves media files. # edit settings.py to set database info (use sqlite3 for non-production) ./manage.py syncdb ./manage.py migrate
Django Based Market Place: Auctions, Shopping Cart, Central Market, SAAS, Subscriptions, Payments, Shop Designer