
React application to search videos on Youtube

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A live version of this project is available at search-youtube-videos-with-reactjs.netlify.app

application preview


Clone this repo to your computer.

git clone https://github.com/StephenRoille/project-428016a805-part-1.git youtube-search

Create a .env file and set a private Youtube token to allow your application to query the Youtube API,


Install all the dependencies,

npm install

Start the development server,

npm run start

Your Youtube token is automatically loaded by React.

To create a production build simply run,

npm run build

This command creates a build directory that you can serve from a web server (Apache, nginx) or using a CDN platform (Netlify)


This project has the following dependencies,

  1. axios (Youtube API requests)
  2. react (user interface)


Based on the Modern React with Redux course by Stephen Grider.